Chapter 47 office ordinary (the second)1600字
Wang is no doubt, she said with a smile: "your father is your grandfather along, is his office son, how can he threw him in the temple to die? - this is human nature."
Some ChengSi yan shan shan.Well, she wanted to much...
"It is a pity, you dad acquisition in the temple home medical skill, even escaped, but on the way of the world, really bad. Do you want to understand you dad, don't mean to bicker with him. He is hurt your heart I know, than he that a few bastard, ordinary woman."The wang primly. "besides, they are ordinary, you are the office. You should take out polite money to more, nor zeal, knew that fight with his family. In your name they a head has high, as long as they don't, you don't embarrass them."
ChengSi yan is very, very want to over supercilious look.She just care about the difference between the office ordinary, it is not to deliberately go against those people.
As long as they talk to her, because she was happy to do her generosity "motto" shape of the office of elder sister!
But they can't self-deceit!
The family is like a good ol?!
ChengSi yan could not help but broke off of the wang said, "mom, you also don't having a one track mind. Do you think of the family. When we test, don't come pick them up. Dad of a duke, they immediately came. Come, still find a lame excuse, let both mom and I go to pick them up! - what?! Who is this who give a duel!"
The wang heard, frown way: "is some too much. But how can? A concubine room, also can turn the day?"Some not.
ChengSi yan know, summer in this dynasty.She can't use the previous three view these concubine room look small.
But underneath, she see it clearly.These my room.It is small three.
What is a small three?Intervention from ChengSi yan's view, husband and wife two people in a marriage of a third party.Is a small three.This is a concept of identity, is not a legal concept.So don't use illegal to steal their concepts, to my room this ancient form of small three.In this era, I shouldn't have room to legal existence, but doesn't mean they won't be a small three.
All huotang legally wife, a good position not on my room this small three.
Wang, for example, she accept this fact, but is not the same as she is kind to my sisters room do, even a harem.- for most huotang legally wife.This is done.
ChengSi yan shook the wang's hand, "niang, don't worry, you have me, I will not let ate kui niang."
The wang listened, but serious tunnel: "I have told you how many times between you and dad, you don't step in. That my room again, she is also your concubine mother. You don't be overly. After being planted a" singled out ", in this life can marry you out."
ChengSi yan smiled and pushed the wang's arm, "niang. Rest assured, I won't."Brush than popularity?Hey hey, her past but expert...
The wang fondle caresses her cheek.Looked at her round apple face and satisfied tunnel: "you recently body good? See it in her face was white powder. In her red lip..."
Giggling away ChengSi yan, began to ask the second question."Mom, how do you marry daddy?"
ChengSi yan know, her father is in the home with her after a way secularization.Marry the wang, after he, of course.
At that time, sheng qi ye even house all have no, how the wang to marry him?
ChengSi yan tell, wang's background is wonderful, absolutely not generally peasant farmer.While their previous WangGu Village that address, nor the wang family.
ChengSi ngan especially listen to next door Wang Erge said before, say they live in the house were abandoned house.Wang was ten years ago, hold still in swaddling clothes, she came to WangGu Village, said the people in the village, their ancestors are now the family all didn't, just settle back ancestral home with children.So the wang is not in WangGu Village grew up.WangGu Village whether the wang family's ancestral home, but also the other test examines.
And a very good woman, how can marry a with her way to the inside of the surname "net"?
At that time, the identity of the sheng qi ye, really shady.Follow him, even his life to the edge.
Before ChengSi yan did not know the origin of sheng qi ye, so never thought toward this end.Now know, puzzle one by one.
The wang listened to the ChengSi yan's question, but to stand up, his hypocrisy yawned and said: "it's getting late, you earlier rest away. In addition, little of your things, what worse, make a list, to the outer court shop here to buy."Said, and turned to leave ChengSi yan's room.
ChengSi yan without asking, she got up to send the wang, the door has been sent to the hospital.
The wang turned and touched her on the cheek, pity tunnel: "go home. It's getting late, let your servant girl taking night."
ChengSi yan should be with a smile, see the figure of the wang disappeared in the distance reading hands covered corridor.
She didn't immediately get in, but standing at the gate of the court, looked up at the moon in the sky.
Today is the first quarter, month, such as hook, ChengSi yan thinking of coming my shi family, the in the mind always some vaguely uneasy.
Especially the wang for the problem of how they marry steer clear, let ChengSi yan also multiplied.
She shook his fist, tell myself that no matter what happens, the wang is her mother, she must be doing his best, protecting the interests of the wang.
"Yan, let's go. It's a nice day today. Pledging weeks general in south side door, let's do you want to see?"To pick up from the country come to my room that a, sheng qi ye hurried ChengSi yan to go out early in the morning.
ChengSi yan, clad in lake blue silk skirt, wearing the wang give her a bead flower.The series is not big, but three core pearls have small fingernail, turns out to be size round the same.This is one of the more rare.
Didn't even ask ChengSi yan wang how can have such exquisite jewelry.
"So early, the market of jewelry fang open?"ChengSi yan don't want to go out so early, he stood at the gate of the city.
Even if have to wait, but also those people waiting for her and dad in the past.
Sheng qi ye leng leng, touch the back of the head, way: "all right, let's wait to go."Saying, go to the pharmacy with he went to the prescriptions and herbs.
Wang also is very addicted to be a man, with the topic on sheng qi ye about medical skill, can forget to eat sleep.
Until the early SiShi ChengSi YanCai put down the book, leave ChengGuoGong with sheng qi ye mansion gate.
Sheng qi ye now is not a monk in the temple, but the hereditary WangTi ChengGuoGong.He travel, originally be ye configuration.And that my serve in the letter, also hinted that sheng qi ye the government heavily ceremonial frenzy to pick her up.
Of course, she said more tactfully.She said that house were so big grievances, now has just been vindicated, the city had to let people see their home to stand up.
Sheng qi ye is a convenient, however, would not have liked discrepancy when there are so many people followed him, feel not free.
ChengSi yan will take advantage of an opportunity to persuade him, said the family doesn't care about the ceremony.They cannot father son go out, he brought the two following.
Anyway, there is a driver, three big man's muscle-bound, protect their two people always ok?
Sheng qi ye bother to praise, in accordance with the ChengSi yan said.
They go to the market of jewelry, to leading ChengSi yan bought a set of jewelry.
Sheng qi ye are not very concept of money, want to buy as soon as he saw the good.
ChengSi yan know they now although the attack, but just a skeleton.The home of a lot of things, were sealed in the original shennong mansion.Where did the home of the temple, the contents of course, also will stay temporarily haven't take over.
"Dad, is this a genuine gold head is ok. You see, this is much more gold pull thin ah, I like it."ChengSi yan smiled and selected the cheapest one set of jewelry.
Sheng qi ye see ChengSi yan said she liked, rather than just ordered wrapped up, be big enough to buy.
After buying jewelry, on the car, ChengSi yan with hand jewelry casket into the base of the cabinet in the car.
A line of people go to south gate line.
More and more people are out to see a week general war pledging of common people.
The skylight, the fare of home is not far to squeeze on the south side the door.
And this time, already by noon.The army is pledging, was drinking ZhuangHangJiu.After drinking ZhuangHangJiu, will the army marched, go and play in the northwest of barbarians.
ChengSi yan on the car window, with a neck to look weeks general station of the tower of the past, actually saw he stood beside the icebergs Zhou Huaixuan!
He today in full armor, a face of indifference at the front.Standing beside week homicidal general, his imposing manner is as good as weeks general.The phoenix eyes of slender tip, let the audience woman saw almost passed out.
A little big sun, Zhou Huaixuan doesn't feel hot.Polluted air is too strong, he only feel the crowd smoked.When he was impatient and smell the sweetness of stocks so that he, while the wind up.
He follow the sweet fragrance wafts of direction, look at ChengSi yan sit cart.
ChengSi yan see that Zhou Huaixuan incredibly frowning look up, and the pie mouth, sit a crouching head carriage return, asked her father: "dad, how do you know weeks childe?"
Sheng qi ye this time is smart, he pretend to sigh, and lift car shade, pointing to the other side of the direction of way: "hey, they is over there. Yan, come on, that's your ErNian and the brother and sister family."He says, want to jump out of the car.
ChengSi yan busy pulling sheng qi ye skirts, smiled and said, "dad, you can't leave my a person, I am afraid..."Said, sitting on the front of follow a way: "there is a person who we want to meet, you to call them come here."
Chapter 47 office ordinary (the second)字相关文章:
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★ Chapter 47 office ordinary (the second)1600字
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★ Comments on the Second Class-第二课堂之我见400字
★ Comments on the Second Class200字
★ Chapter 44 attack jue (the second)1600字
Chapter 47 office ordinary (the second)1600字
