
Chapter 44 attack jue (the second)1600字

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  ChengSi yan followed wang's standing in the place where is not far from weeks general and Zhou Huaixuan.

  Hear the words of father and son, ChengSi yan could not help but turned supercilious look.In her view, the Zhou Huaixuan body more health, where I need to find a cure too much to see diagnosis?!

  ChengSi yan turned the eyes and quietly looked into Zhou Huaixuan there again, the result just with Zhou Huaixuan eye coldly.

  Peep others was caught...

  ChengSi yan embarrassedly red in the face, don't too busy, she looks into side hall corridor column, has a strong interest on this corridor column, a careful study.

  Zhou Huaixuan for weeks napoleon nodded, walking towards the steps over there.

  When he walked past ChengSi yan steps paused.

  ChengSi yan immediately if heart drum roll.

  Zhou Huaixuan smell that as he had been in the medicine smell the sweet smell of, suddenly feel thirsty again.He fought back not to see her, robe cuff breeze, passed away from her.

  ChengSi yan didn't look up, until Zhou Huaixuan left the Ann and the temple, she just turned slowly, looked at Zhou Huaixuan curiously out of the door.

  Bell in the living quarters for the emperor, sheng qi ye finally put all available along the reed pipe to a bell in the body.

  The queen mother sitting on the bed, a full face of concern, with the vail to bell emperor wiped his lips medicine stains.

  Zheng Suxin stood with copper bowl, there are just from the water inside.

  "Queen mother empress, let aunt ning to brush your majesty."Zheng Suxin urged.

  Aunt ning is the queen mother's side of the old ladies, has more than 50, don't want to out of the palace.In the queen mother side endowment.

  Bell emperor over the years, are all with a small maid-in-waiting, she take care of myself.

  In addition to responsible for feeding, brush for him.Every day to give him a massage legs, arms and torso, or bell emperor would have muscle atrophy.

  But these are also a drop in the bucket.Stop still lying in a hospital bed for 15 years.Bell now and had sent a lot.

  Queen mother stood up, with a bedroom inside out.

  Sheng qi ye and Zheng Suxin with behind the queen mother out of the palace, waiting in the hall.

  Before long, the aunt ning ran out of surprise, the queen mother said: "the empress empress! Your majesty 'well just now, and then hands soft, also can open my mouth to drink!"

  Queen mother pleasantly surprised, and went into the bedroom, hence recited a way: "emperor emperor!! Can hear the sound of a cry of home?"

  Busy little maid of the bedroom stood up, he bowed to the queen mother.Return to one side.

  Dragon bed above, bell emperor or lying motionless, there didn't make any noise in response to her, also did not move.

  The queen mother disappointed, ning aunt back to ask to come in, "not to say that can you speak?"

  Ning aunt worry tunnel: "handmaiden is your majesty, 'well,' said they have heard!"Say, for those small maid-in-waiting Mr Make signal with the lips.

  Follow should be small maid-in-waiting busy.

  Sheng qi ye help ning aunt clearance.Smiled and said: "the queen mother empress, this should be the medicine up utility. But you know, the effect of the medicine, have advantage than venom as medicine effect is better. So, can only is a" well ", can't really speak to you."

  The appearance of the queen mother seemed relieved.Nods: "originally is so."Aunt again to rather say with smile: "is the cry of home too impatient, NingChun surprising."Aunt ning ning name spring.Others call her aunt, the queen mother is called her name.

  Rather busy aunt said: "the queen mother fold the handmaiden kill."While refers to the bell on the implantation emperor's way: "sheng qi ye medicine really perfect? You smell. The smell of your majesty is changed, the stock turn sour taste is not at all."

  Is not spoiled, but rather a rancid flavor.Now all have already vanished.

  Don't others said, the queen mother also see out, bell emperor's physical condition, has been reversed, not continue to decline, but recovered before.

  To maintain the status quo, that is, the queen mother want the state.

  "Sheng qi shen nong fu sheng's home is really worthily the lineal descendants! Home a shot, did you know!"Yao said the countess beside pleasure, intentionally with sheng qi ye, Zheng Suxin.

  Summer before there were seven ye sheng dynasty medical skill and the best, is the Zheng Suxin.But it is also because family were queen mother cut head, so only Zheng Suxin that a close disciple of master.

  Zheng Suxin like don't mind at all, her even a little tears in his eyes.

  "Teacher under the jiuquan has a spirit, know his office son this promise, will surely comfort."Said Zheng Suxin wipe tears with a handkerchief.

  Heard that says to his father, sheng qi ye looking solemn, there was a tinge of sadness also.He shook his head a way: "theory of medical skill, I than my father. If my father here, your majesty would have alive today..."Sheng qi ye said, and to the queen mother knelt down.

  "Empress dowager empress, I has no other desire, but the queen mother pardon, to home with her grave!"Sheng qi ye to queen mother repeatedly kowtow.

  Queen mother low with a sigh, long a way: "you up. This matter, daughter home also impatient. Speaking, he done for summer we dynasty its lifetime, daughter home should give him a chance to speak. Alas, however, he is wrong is wrong, let the emperor for so many years, were dead, home with her, you should make an atonement for the emperor, you take or not?"

  A shock, sheng qi ye knew he couldn't ask for more, had to head a way: "I know."

  Queen mother lips laugh lines of satisfaction, "however, this time, you also be saved the emperor life. Merits balance, ai house can you will be home with her burial. Also, the home guard since only you a person, to the Lord protector of the title, should be hit by you. Ai home allows you to hit, but you have to look after the emperor personally. If before the emperor walked in the house of mourning, daughter home but not light rao!"

  Words in meaning is clear: sheng qi ye have to responsible for bell emperor alive, until that day too refuse to die...

  Sheng qi ye in the mind a tight, but he had no choice.No matter he don't agree with him, and the queen mother won't let them slip away easily.

  "Follow the queen mother an imperial decree!"Sheng qi ye bite teether, homage.

  Queen mother raise my hand with a smile, "up. - bearer. Regards! Sheng qi attack sheng shen nong fu the duke, command the world!"

  Yao female officer is the person who help the queen to draft an imperial decree.Busy smell speech way: "follow an imperial decree!"

  Zheng Suxin a full face of joy, sheng qi ye rises.A way: "I want to congratulate ChengGuoGong! And your wife, your home darling."Added: "I am old close disciple. Home finally reopened the lintel, is really a great thing!"

  The queen mother said with a smile: "zheng pleasant, you wish to calculate compensation for many years. Also when you put a table, please come to the banquet to everybody!"

  "Should be!! - if the queen mother empress could yet prove, so much the better!"Zheng Suxin hit the snake with a stick, the chance to invite the queen mother to the wu.

  The queen wanted to think, way: "all right." the home for many years not out of the house for a walk. Waiting for you to feast, for Posting a daughter home. Daughter home must go!"

  Zheng Suxin pleasantly surprised, did not think of the queen mother really agreed, at that time the joy, yao pull a female the hand of the officer inquisition, for yao female officer just deliberately against her situation, it seems like dark.

  Yao's official heart secretly surprised, favor the idea, also the be fond of and told her that the queen mother.

  Sheng qi ye out of the hall, looking at the hall door rattled the wang.Gently say with smile: "it's all right. The queen mother empress have favor, let's funeral home with her. And, Lord protector of the title, also let I hit."

  ChengSi YanHui overdone.Face brightening, "congratulations dad!"

  Sheng qi ye fondle caresses her head, sigh a way: "yan. Dad of two suffering. Let your girl, you are my eldest daughter ChengGuoGong mansion of office! Dad must have good Sir, please come back to teach you to study, read!"

  ChengSi yan say with smile: "dad. Mom has taught me..."

  The wang suddenly cough loudly.

  ChengSi yan is collected fully clever mind, the mind DianZhuan immediately.Reversed way: "niang teaches me to know some words, do not open and the blind man."

  At the wang sheng qi ye, way: "all right, have words said let's go back."

  Out from the palace, three immediately comfortable for a long gas.

  Is the same as a near-death experience.

  So he survived, there will be from the!

  Palace of nguyen with grandfather in a hurry and ran out of sheng qi ye way: "shen nong fu ChengGuoGong, the queen mother said, before, is some unlucky, have life ministry, in a frenzy that shennong house next to the other house, give you a family living. Previous shennong mansion, to do the temple, worship home with her."

  This is politely apologized to sheng qi ye.

  Sheng qi ye and the wang was moved to tears, in the direction of the temple of queen mother Ann and fell to the ground.

  ChengSi yan bit biting his lower lip, follow a worship., in her opinion, sheng home with more than three hundred people, so lightly a hook.Such compensation, don't call the compensation.But sheng qi ye were satisfied and the wang, she is a girl, no one will care about her opinion.

  ChengSi yan know my thoughts with the people here, no strong, be sure to show its extraordinary.She is just at the time of sub-set, remain silent.If push comes to her head, and will try to fight back.

  They went back to WangGu Village, it was already dark.

  Wang Shihe ChengSi yan don't want to disturb WangGu Village villagers.

  The seven ye sheng promised to not take it out.

  After a while, the new family in the mansion cover frenzy, and the wang sheng qi ye quietly a carriage, with ChengSi yan fu has been admitted to the Lord protector, become the capital of the old upstart.


  Zhou Huaixuan back home, also for a while, feel the body is better than before.But that always thirsty state, is more obvious.

  He is there, suddenly coming from your urgent quote, original barbarian after a winter rest, finally back again, against dacian frontier.

  In an emergency in your heart again.

  The urgent military like snowflakes flying into Beijing the queen mother's desk.

  Traditionally, it is a week by general war.Previously, the eldest son of three rooms Zhou Huaili since full 15 years old, began to go out with him and went hone on the battlefield.

  This time, but his three younger brother Zhou Sizong come and said to him, his eldest son Zhou Huaili sick, not to temporarily.

  Does does does

  It is the first in the morning, this is a second more.There is a third more this afternoon.Dear friends of guaranteed a pink cast it out?Don't keep the, literary talent interesting ha.O (n_n) o ~ ~ ~

  ......(to be continued.

  Ps: a little more of the first in the morning, you don't forget to look at.This is the second more.Is a third more at two o 'clock in the afternoon.Today's night early, because it is the first day.Tomorrow should be normal time to update.The first morning, the second is in the afternoon, the third is in the evening.

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