
of many disasters400字

作者: 更新时间:

  I know it's hard to forget a person, so I'm not good. I shouldn't be too frivolous to read in before you've finished. I'm really insecure.

  Sometimes I feel like you. Sometimes I feel like you like me. Sometimes I don't think it's the moment I saw the chat record on your mobile phone. I feel like I don't have anything. I cried so hard that you came after me and hugged me. You asked me if I could be with you well.

  It's hard to change with me, but it's too worthwhile to wipe away my tears. Tell you about asking me to drink a bottle of beer. The day your ex-girlfriend asked you to come back, I wanted to write a lot of words to tell you how important you were to me later. I changed it and finally found that the only words I wanted to express were to stay with me. I know your favorite basketball star is Stephen Curie. Your shoe code. Your budding hobbies. I know all of them. I will gradually understand that it's very simple to like someone. If you want to try it seriously, all I want is a sense of security that will make me feel loved.

  That time I finally got up the courage to change my love with you, but you said that I don't need two or three hundred love heads in my mobile phone for the time being. Every time I see other girls and people I like, I admire those good friends'love heads. I can only silently delete the remaining 100 pieces in the inventory.

  When can I wait for you?

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of many disasters400字





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  • 倾诉的欲望500字


  • 行动中寻找目标500字


  • 真正的目标500字
