
1st of May400字

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  Today is 1st of May. The day that I get to go to my crush's house. He was a kind guy, he chats with me every night and we go to sleep together. He says that he likes me. He liked me for one whole year. He said he was in love with me.

  Today is 1st of May. The day my crush hugged me on his bed. In his room. The feeling of him hugging of was incredible. I felt safe, yet overwhelmed. He looked so happy. He didnt know i was too, in love with him.

  Today is 1st of May. The day my crush confessed to me. While embracing me in his hug, he asked if he could be my boyfriend. I was shocked, but overjoyed. I was embarrassed, but desperate. I couldnt say yes immediately, it would seem awkward. I couldnt say no immediately, I could never say no.

  Today is 1st of May. The day my crush became my boyfriend. Yes I said, after five minutes of awkwardness between me and him. Really he asked, clearly surprised. Answer was not needed. Nothing mattered to me when I pull him in my arms like he is my one and only.

  Today is 1st of May. The day they celebrate the achievement of the workers. Labour day. I too, celebrate the achievement of love. Today is the day I found my true love. The day I found the perfect guy.

  To the love of my life,


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