
A Letter from an Old Fr400字

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  When the letter arrived in the mailbox, I found the strange. It made me very curious, so I open and read the letter as quickly as I could. "Oh my God! I don't believe it!" I was surprised and shouted when I read the letter. It was written by my old friend, Gary. He was my neighbor when we were in elementary school. We played and went to school together. We were very good friends. After graduation, he and his family emigrated to America and since then, we haven't kept in touch for a long time. Gary's letter talked about the special experience that a young student has while studying abroad. In the letter, he wrote, "When l just to America the environment was so unfamiliar. It took me along time to adjust to the life here. That's the reason why l didn't contact you until now." That's true-it is two years later. He also told me that there were few tests, but many papers and reports for students in America. After reading this letter, I long to study abroad someday. I'd like to experience an American-style life and western education. My biggest hope is that I can visit my good old friend again. We can have a long chat. Anyway, it's really great to get a letter from a long missing friend.

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A Letter from an Old Fr400字

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A Letter from an Old Fr400字





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  • 我的童年300字


  • 春天的计划300字


  • 要是能飞该多好450字
