Teacher's Day memorable500字
In the annual September 10, students will buy a bunch of colorful, fragrant-smelling flowers and gifts sent to their teachers This is sent, it is just a bunch of ordinary flowers and gifts? No, it is the students respect the teachers, the teachers worked hard to convey to us the knowledge of countless gratitude In the numerous night, the students were sleeping, but I believe that teachers must also prepare lessons before the bright lights批改作业for us also to hear how we can better get a better thought
Why do I love this Teacher"s Day? Above all the reasons, there is, I have a Teacher"s Day to remember
It was September 10, 2006, our students are each drawer hidden beautiful bouquet of flowers At that time, taught us that Wang Limin teacher, she also served as the three of us class teacher Smiling when she once again into the classroom, students are holding their own with flowers bought for the teachers said in unison: "Happy holiday, Ms Wang" Then, the students are singing "Every time through teachers the window, "the song, the teacher"s smile suddenly turned into a sweet smile and tears
This unusual and extraordinary day, I never forget Teachers ah! You are hard to cultivate the flower gardener, is to nurture a new generation of engineers of the motherland Teachers ah! Reminds you that the previous青丝, but also reminds you of the white-haired now, reminds you that when we are young acquaintance figure, you mark for us a list of the operating life Six years, the blink of an eye it lost, taken away by the knowledge, left, is really Let us with a grateful heart, to return a teacher!
Teacher's Day memorable字相关文章:
★ 国庆假期(National Day Holidays)250字
Teacher's Day memorable500字