In the past. There were three people. They got a pot of good liquor but the pot was so small and they liked drinking very much.
Of the total one people say “let’s draw a snake who quickly who drink these liquor.””Ok!”Besides tow people to agree with together.
It’s starting one people quickly but he thouyht: They are so slow I cast for them. He draw the snake’s foot and arm. He didn’t draw two foot one people to take by force liquor pot draw snake arm and foot’s people is so liveliness he said” Why do you to take by force my liquor pot?””Is this yours? I’m first!”"No I’m first! I cast for you!””But the snake doesn’t have foot and arm!””Oh my Gad!”
This time distant place walked to a people and he said to draw the snake’s foot and arm’s people” Why do you draw the snake’s foot and arm at the outset? “I…
★ 多余的话700字
★ 多余的我900字