
My Very First Love(我的第一个爱)1200字

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  Yes this may be surprising I was only 13 years old that time. But don't know how or why it happened to me so early. I fell deeply in love with a guy who I used to think was annoying 2 months ago.

  It was 1997 in Chittagong Bang- ladesh me and my family have just moved to a new apartment in a new area. So after few weeks have passed I started going back to school since it was during Ramadan we moved. Well I made some new friends in the neighborhood. This girl who was always hanging out with her name was Ivy.

  One day when I was going to school I bumped into Ivy on the way out of my building and she was standing next to this guy he lived in the building right beside mine. He said “Hi” to me and we just asked each other “how are you” and blah blah then I had to leave. But I noticed that guy was looking at me. It was a different kind of look look with love in his eyes. Few days later I noticed whenever I go to school and come back from school he is standing in his balcony and smiling at me. If he is not around and one of his friends see me they start to yell out his name. Oh yeah by the way his name was Mamun.

  So I was very annoyed by those things. And I even told Ivy to tell Mamun to stop these foolishness. After my exams were over I had a break. So I used to go to the roof and read books to spend my time. Mamun used to come to their roof also and both roofs where so close to each other that you can just jump from one to another.

  Once I was reading a book and I noticed Mamun come to their roof and he looked at me and smiled. OH MY GOD! I don't know what happened to me. That sweet smile just took me away. I smiled back at him for the first time. I could never forget that moment. We used to smile at each other whenever we saw each other but never had a chat. I was sure that he liked me a lot because anytime he would see me on the roof from his balcony he came up to the roof right away. I fell in love with him very deeply. I was surprised that I did. The feelings I had was so beautiful and made me so happy.

  Mamun did come to my roof one day to talk to me but I wanted him to go away. I didn't want any one to see us talking. As you know in Bangladesh rumors go around so fast. When we talked I saw deep love in his eyes. I always smiled at him; I didn't talk to him much. Still life was going on so wonderfully. Mamun never told me he loved me. I thought that was because I was 5/6 years younger than him.

  Very soon I found out that me and my family are leaving Bang- ladesh and coming to Canada. I was devas- tated. I cried all night but there was nothing to do. When Mamun found out he asked me on the roof if it was true. When I said yes he asked how long will I be in Canada. The answer was maybe forever we were going to settle in Canada. He looked depressed all he said was “Oh” then I told him out flight date.

  The next month it was Ramadan again. Mamun came to say good bye to me on the roof he was leaving to spend his Eid with his family. That day I was so sad I felt like I lost something very important in my life. We said goodbye to each other he said he thinks I am such a sweet girl he hopes I have a great life in Canada. Oh my god I couldn't hold myself I think my eyes became watery. I didn't want him to see that I was crying. I said “you too” and tried to smile and left the roof right away.

  That was the last day I ever saw my first love. Now 4 years later here I am in CANADA. I have guy in my life now whom I am deeply love with after Mamun. I never lose him.

  I am ... over Mamun now. Everytime I remember those days looking at each other on the roof talking I feel really down. I wonder where he is now if we will even meet again... I can never forget my first love.

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