The season
Hello! my name is ZhangQiYang. I live in (注意一些动词的搭配) Ling Ze. Here it is very pleasant. (倒装句的使用,不错)
The In spring it is often windy in March. (原句中两个主语) It is always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes. I sometimes go to country. The flowers bloom. In the rainy day. I have my boots and umbrella.
Summer. it is always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines everyday. In the square the people have conversation. I put on my short T-shirt and sandals.
Now it fall. It is always warm in September and October. It is often cold in November and it rainy sometimes. I put on my pants and a (此处冠词使用不当,应删去)sweater winter. It is often cold in December and January and February. It snow snows sometimes. I put on my hat , scarf, mittens jacket.
Which seasons do my I like best? You guess. I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short. The sun rises early and sets lates late . (动词后面应该用副词,late可作副词用,如came back late)
I don?t like fall and winter. The days are short and the nights are long.
Here climste is not very good. but it?s certainl in tere sting .It is our favourite subjece of conversation.