My Stationery250字
Everyone always have their stationery. I have many Stationery too. For example, pencile-case, white-out, a pen and so on.
My pencile-case is white and pink.There is a Hello Kitty on my pencile- case. She comes from Japan,and she wears a yellow and red dress. She has a tom fool knot. Look, there is a candy stick in her hand. It looks yummy.
My white-out is white. There is a little and cute dog. It’s brow. It looks lovely. Its wools looks soft. So I love the dog very much.
My pen is pink. There is a Love Rabbit on the pen. Its ears are long, but its eyes are small. There is a star on its hand.
These are my stationery. Do you have any stationery?
My Stationery字相关文章:
My Stationery250字