
How To Success In Hospitality Industry1600字

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  When wetalk about food and beverage system, we will think about restaurant or any café. However, this is the wrong concept forthose who think about this. Why? Because food and beverage system is representof hospitality. What is the mean by hospitality? It means service. That’s why,we are not working at restaurant or café easily, besides we must know theproduct knowledge, we also need to know how to do a service.

  Today,I just want to share with you a title, call “How to Success in HospitalityIndustry”. Some people will said, “Working in the hospitality industry, is notan easy. Because you need to face different kind of guest, if some guest comingto your restaurant, his face was happy, then your job is easier. However, ifthe guest coming in to your restaurant, his face is angel, then you must becareful, because something unhappy was happening on the guest.” When we meet upof this cases, we must remain calm and don’t make the guest more angel. In theother hand, when you see the guest is happy and always smiling, then you canserve him better.

  Whenyou are the host of the restaurant, you must know about this. When the guestcome in to your restaurant, you must be polite to him. For example, before theguest near your restaurant, you must prepare yourself. How to prepare? First,you must ensure that the gentle of the guest. Second, please look at the time.From these two steps, it can help you become more confident to communicate withthe guess. Third, you must check with your restaurant manager, whether have anyreservation for the guest. Forth, when the guest is standing in front of you,you must give a polite greeting to the guest and welcome him to your restaurantand check with him whether have any reservation. Like example, “Good evening,sir. Welcome to Restaurant Sampling on the Fourteen. Do you have any reservation?”If the guest reply yes, then you can straight forward bring the guest go to thereservation table. However, if the guest reply no, then you can check with yourrestaurant manager is it available for how many packs of the guest. Pleasedon’t straight away kick the guest out. This can make the guest angry and willcomplaint about the hospitality of this restaurant is bad.

  When you are the waiter of the restaurant, you needto know and become a successful waiter. When the guest come near to your tablewho leading by the host, you must see the gentle of the guess. If there arelady and gentleman, when you see this kind of situation, when you pull up thechair, please let the lady first, because we always say ladies first. After youlet the lady sat on the chair, then you just help the gentleman to pull up thechair. After both of them had sat down, please give them your restaurant menuto them. At the same time, ask them what water they prefer. Just ask like this,“Excuse me, what water do you prefer? Warm water or cold water?” after theyreply, you go and take the water and pour it to them. After you pour it, justask whether can take an order from them. If the guest replies don’t take anyorder, you just stand behind and wait for them to call you. If the guestreplies yes, then you can start to take the order. Meanwhile, you can take thisopportunity to introduce the food to the guest. For instance, today your restaurant famous dish isFish and Chips. You can introduce to your guest this food. After taking theorder from the guest, you must takeyour order list bring it to kitchen and fire the order. At the same time, youmust bring one of the orders to the cashier; let the cashier to count theamount of the guest pay.

  After a few moments, the appetizer is ready to beserved. Before you serve the appetizer, please check whether you have changethe cutlery. Because when your appetizer is a bowl of soup, you can’t ask theguest to use a main spoon to drink the soup. You must change a soup spoon forhim, and then this is better. When you see the guest almost finish theappetizer, you can go and fire the main course. After you see the guest wasfinished the appetizer, go and ask whether can clear the plate and then changethe cutlery. If the guest’s main course is Chicken Rice. You must change atable spoon and table fork to the guest. When the main course is ready, pleaseserve the rice in front of the guest. Because rice is an Asian Cuisine, AsianCuisine is more important on rice. If the guest requests to add rice, pleasedon’t simply promise the guest. Please check with your restaurant manager orkitchen, whether have enough rice. If the kitchen replies there is still havemore rice, then you straight take one bowl of rice to the guest. However, ifthe kitchen replies not enough rice, you just go and apologize to the guest.After taking the main course and now is the dessert time. Same thing as usual,please change the dessert spoon and dessert fork for the guest.

  Afterthe guest was eating fully, you can ask whether the guest need to settle thebill. If the guest replies yes, you just go and take the bill pass it to theguest. If the guest replies no, you just stand behind and waiting until theguest say that he can settle the bill. After the guest was paying the bill andready to leave your restaurant, you must pull up the chair again and say thankyou to the guest. For example, you can say, “Thank you, sir. Have a nice day.” Whenyou say like this, the guest will have a good impression on you. He will thinkabout next time when he comes in, he needs you to become his server.

  Lastly,when you are the restaurant manager, you must know all this. First, before therestaurant start operation, you must check with your kitchen team and get themenu of the restaurant. Second, you must have a briefing with your staff, thisbriefing is regarding the menu of the restaurant and what going to do at therestaurant. You can arrange your staff to do a mis-en place. Some of them canpolish the glass and the cutlery, some of them can set the table and one ofthem becomes a cashier. After all the mis-en place done, you must check and seehow your staff work is. After the checking, you must check your staff grooming.Grooming is important, because grooming is to let the guest has a goodimpression to your restaurant and your staff. After all this done, now you canlead your staff to go and eat the staff meal who prepare by the kitchen team.Before you having a staff meal, please check with the kitchen team whether thefood ready or not ready. While taking the staff meal, you can check with thekitchen team, how many packs of the food they prepare. This is important,because the kitchen team will also check with you, is it have any reservationfor the guest, they also prepare the certain amount and not over.

  After taking the staff meal, you must give apre-service briefing. This briefing is to put your staff at the duty place.After all this done, you can go to switch on the music and call your host toopen the restaurant. When the guest comes in, please greet him and welcome him.If you know the guest name, just straight greet him by his name. While therestaurant is operating, you must walk around and observe your staff. If yourstaff takes wrong cutlery, you must go forward and tell him. If your restaurantis operating about two hours, there is from 12 pm to 2 pm. When the time is1:30 pm, you must inform your host, this is the last order. When the guestcomes in, the host must inform the guest this is the last order. Before theguest leave his table, you also need to say thank you. When the closing time isreach, you call your staff to gather, you must give a briefing to them. Thisbriefing is regarding what your staff needs to do. Some of them can keep thecutlery and the glass, some of them can arrange back the table and one of themmust be the cashier. The cashier must count the amount of earning. After allthis have done, you can have a fellowship time with your staff. You can pointout what the staff performance today, and some staff doing the mistake. Pleasedon’t scold them, just an advice. Because when you scold the staff, the staffwill have a bad impression on you. After the fellowship, then you can call yourstaff to go back home and so you are.

  Thisis the way to success in hospitality industry, because working in thehospitality industry is more challenging and fun. If you willing to take thechallenge, that is good for you. I hope that this few points can help yousuccess in the hospitality industry. In the nut shell, I wish you have a goodfuture in the hospitality industry, and can be success in this industry, let’sget connected.

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