Olympic Spirit, you let me know how to adhere to insist is a virtue, is a quality, but also a great strength. In the face of setbacks, do not forget to smile, not to give up. Laughter for Life, an indomitable will to change the current fortunes and misfortunes of life. "Dishuichuanshi, Tie Chu Cheng-pin," "perseverance, hard steel to stone." Adhere to is a great strength, is to insist on upholding the victory is in the end. As long as we adhere to this belief and keep up the efforts you will find life as a result of the existence of good.
Olympic Spirit, you let me know, "a hard, a harvest", "pay the total return." It is often the envy of well-known athletes in one fell swoop, after that brilliant head of the ring, they did not know, "the success of flowers, it is only now that she's envious of Ming-yan, however, when her Yaer Leiquan soak up the fight, at the expense of the Sabian Xueyu" In Chaoyang between sunset and, in loneliness and pain, still Huihanruyu, for their own ideal, step by step, down the tenacious go away. They pay too much ... ...
Olympic Spirit, as a result of your life while Luster blooming in the world because of you and colorful!
★ 一段话500字
★ 第一段话350字