South Africa(南非)450字
I came to South Africa since last year's Chritsmas Day(25/12/2008)up to now I have already stayed in SA(South Africa) for 3 monthswhich means I basicly know what South Africa basicly looks like.
Firstly you may want to know what SA's education look like because that's what students are most interested in.Actually it is easier to study in SA than in china for example you may study for the whole day in China if you are in Grade 9but in SA you only need to study for a half day(6 hours) the rest of the time is for you to do the athletics and social activities etc.In China you may have the homework which looks like a hill.Butin SAyou only need to catch what teacher told you in the class and do little homeworkhoweverin testChinese is much better in mathmatic
because Chinese students always do a lot of extra exercise bookat the same timeSA students are good at drawingdesigningand so oninasmuch as they always have homework like thator they have extra to do what they like to do.
Secondlyit is about the security in SAthat is a main partbecause you will do nothing if you are in dangerous.In SAthe security is sort of sucksespecially in Johanesburg which is the captain of crime over the world.But Pretoriawhere I liveis pretty fineit's not as dangerous as in Johanesburgbut please remember never lose your care in SAbecause that is the wort thing you can do in SA
By Robert Liu in PretoriaSouth Africa
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South Africa(南非)450字
