Conversation With God350字
I just found it in the school library and was suddenly addicted to the name of the book. Can God speak? In which kind of language? Or even, is god willing to talk with us? With these questions, I turned the first page and was immediately fell in love with it.
It firstly talked the readers about why the writer himself would like to write this book. In his words, it was the God who told him that he should wriite this, and let other people to learn some lessons from it. The book asks and answers many kinds of books that the writer or even much of the readers want to pursue. And everytime when the questions come to me, I asked myself, too. The answers gave me a lot of enlightment. It somehow change the way how I thinking of things, and inspire me not to just complain about things, but to take afforts into them. I've learned that it is your mind that change your life, not the life changing who you are.
I don't want to say too much about the book. If you are kind of interested, do find it and read it yourself.
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