Hen:"Oh,you're still there I thought you'd be on the pond by now."
Mother Duck:"It's this last egg,it hasn't come out yet."
Hen:"Let me see,well no wender.It looks like a goose egg to me.You'll be here for a long time."
Mother Duck:"Oh dear,I have my five little ducklings to teach to swim.What shall I do?I can't leave it."
Hen:"Aahwell,I'll go to well Goose Mother."
(The hen went off.
Goose Mother hrard that one of her eggs was in Mother Duck's nest.
Goose Mother walked up to the nest.)
Goose Mother:"Is it true?Do you have one of my eggs?"
Mother Duck:"I think so."
(They both looked in the nest.)
Goose Mother:"Huh,that's not mine.It looks more like a turkey's egg."
★ 雷光狗2700字
