
What i want to say to my parents200字

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  All the parents hope their children will have a bright future . And they have different kinds of expectations for their children . As for me , my dream is became a singer . But my mother want me to be a doctor . I think that doctor is very rich but i also think it is boring . The music can bring me happy . If i listen to music , the bad things will went out with the wind . Mum, i want to tell you that , "the life is my own , i want to choose my life road . I want to grow up ." I hope you will encouragenment in the dream road . What is more , i need your help in the money . I will try my best in the future . Please believe me. I will became a singer. I want to you can listen to me in the future . In short , i will very happy .

What i want to say to my parents字相关文章:

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What i want to say to my parents200字

What i want to say to my parents200字



  • 我想去草原700字


  • “内卷”的可怕700字


  • 作业外的生活900字


  • 我想去的远方700字
