when i leave.(当我离开)300字
i want to leavelike all of my classmates .
i know when i leave my hometowni"ll be homesick i"ll be missed
but so much thinking of being a collegian nothing can stop mefr0mleaving
now my best friends have reached there..even though it is nanchang
but it really doesn"t matter now what i need is a new place which give me a better
surroundings to study to live .....
the most significant thing i want to know is ..if i leave may you think of me ?
do you want to say something to me ? do i go matters you mind ? or it"s nothing
but a news only stay at your mind about one second?
when i lesve will you always think of the days we had together the nights which you
picked me up when the evening classes were over? will you always think of the words you
had said to me ?
when i leave my friends..i"ll miss you at the same time i hope you "ll get on well
with your study... never go the ways i have ever went..is long and full of hardships.
may be it will be long before i write another dairy.so .......just be wordy so much
when i leave.(当我离开)字相关文章:
when i leave.(当我离开)300字