
Girls ,listen !800字

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  Break up , when he does not love you ,please do not be unhappy , or when you are in trouble and a loss of time to disturb him. He is definitely not what you are supposed to be right now. Maybe he will receive your phone, light to cornfort you a few words. And said i wish you happy, but only this. When he does not love you, you love , your people ,will appear cheap many ! You have taken away ,this is human nature. Maybe you will think of something more, and say "Let is see. Can we have a dinner together ?" If you think you have a meal , see the side will be able to restore your lost love, then you are too wrong, too stupid .And his heart msut be very upset. He would say," i have a little thing now, wait for a chance. Give me a call later, or i will give you a call." And when you do not really , he not only found a good reason to cheat you . Please, do not realyy go to wait, do not deceive themselves, but no need to be sad. His busy will not be terminated because of your waiting. Many things in life are very important for him ,and for him, the most important thing is the lost love.

  When he does not love you, please do not tell him about your little things, do not have to say. There are the most stupid , is also the most useless. Perhaps at the monent, the kind you love but you hope that some more familiar with each other, do not suddenly feel ao strange. In fact , is only temporary , you too can own it , he has no time is not inerested to understand you, your life , your past, your strengths and weaknesses and he bother ? Even if you want even a very small corner of the. In his eyes, you have all the advantages of being a negative tired , not to become a reason to attract him. When he no longer love you, do not always give him send text messages and asked him , "Okay ." He if the working pressure is high, your message will only bring him irritable, and can not make him get rid of the prwssure ,and he if really very good, then in your heart you know well, learn to care silently and bless him ! When he does not love you , please do not in front of him sad , but not to shed tears, because the tears is not to return to love, but will make him look down on you . Do not tell him you are sad when you are sick, and learn to take care of yourself.

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