
Spooky Story900字

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  My friends and I go trick-or-treating(不给糖果就捣蛋 万圣节孩子们玩的一种游戏).RyanAmyVincent and I are excited about today.We are divided into two teamsBoys and Girls.Amy is playing a devil (恶魔)she is a little scared.I am playing a witch(女巫)I take a"broom stick" from my home.

  Firstwe go to Jenny's home.We knock(敲)the doorbut the dooris open so we shout"Trick-or-treating!" "Ohdear.Give you some candys.Bye!"Jenny's mother says."Bye."we say.Then we went to other people's home and collect(收集)candy.We convevge(汇合) with the boys agin.We all have many candysso we start walking.

  Unconsciously(不知不觉)we go to the graveyard and everywhere is filled with fog(烟雾).We can see many tombstones(墓碑).Thenwe heared a howl(嚎叫声).Amy and I are trembling(发抖)but Ryan is laughing."OnRyan.You are so naughty.!'Amy is angrybecause Ryan is tricking her.

  We want to go out of this place,but we can't do it.I say"It's eerie(怪异的)."We are walking in this dark forest a hundred,tree around us.At the end of the forestwe saw a big castle.The full moon lit up the castlethe sky is very d oark.There was so much moss(苔藓)and cobwebs(蜘蛛网 )coveving this castle.We were tightened up(紧张)inside.I can see their faces were very pale.Vincent says”If we want to go outsidethis castle is the key."We walk into the castle.Ryan opened the flashlight(手电筒) because the castle is too dark."Arrr--"We shriek shrilly(尖叫) there are some skeletons(骨架)on the floor.We saw the skeletons were standing and wanted to catch us!We run and run suddenlywe fell into a trap(陷阱),I skrieked.We fell down and down.Finally we fell into a room.Amy is worried"What happened?"The door crashes open and a dark shadow fills the doorway.We can't see his facewe can just see a dark shadow(影子).Dark shadow says"If you want to go outyou have to pass through."Thenhe disappeared(消失)."We can't give upcome on."I say.

  We have successfully reached the final level.There is a doorand a lock on the doorbut we look everywhereand there was no key!Dark shadow appeared(出现)again"If you want the keya pevsons needs to be sacrifice(牺牲)."Vincent says"I will to be the key!"Suddenlyhe disappeared and a key locked the door.We are all cryVincent is a brave boy.FinallyRyanAmy and I are successful.We are safewe are so excitedand hug together.

  I opened my eyesand to look a calendar(日历)today is the first of Novemember.And I understand all of things of Halloween(万圣节).It's just a dream.

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