The fox The goat400字
One day,the fox take a wrong stepped to the well,inspite3 of climb up,he can not climb up,at last he have to be foolish there.At the same time,the goat feels thirsty,he arrives at this well,and see the fox in the well.
And then the goat asks him:“The water in the well could drink,Fox?”The fox thought that it is the opportunity to go out,he press down quickly,says:“The water in this well is very good!It's the first spring in this world!It's very pure and down quickly and drink it with me.”
The thirsty goat believed what the fox said.Without thinking at all,the thirsty goat goes down to the well.After drinking,the goat has to make away to go out the well with the fox.The fox had prepared.He says:“I have an idea.You pick with you forepaw on the well way and hold up your horn.I carry on your back to jump out the well,and pull you out.We all save!”
The goat agreed with the fox:“That's a good idea.Let's do it!”
After do it,the fox go out the well and leave by himself.
The giat says:“You not do what you said.You are a rascal.”
The fox says:“Oh,my friend!As the perfect of your wisdom as your beard,you would look careful of the issue of the well before you jump down.”
This story tell us that:The smart men should thinking enough befare he does any thing.
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The fox The goat400字