in ten years200字
Intenyears,thinkiwillbeacomputer programer.Iwilllive inanapartment. because , Ithinkacomputerprogramercanliveinanapartment . i willhavemuchmoney. I willhave a beautifulapartment. I likelivingalone.people isnot good formyjob,iwillhavearobot ,itwillhelpmecleanthekitchenahdmakedinnerhow comfortable! iwillhavepetsnoebecausemy sisterhatesthem.imightevenkeepgag.iwillbeverybusy,butiwillgo skating andgolfevery day .Daringtheweek,I willweara suitonweekends , i will be able todressmorecasually.onvacation,ithigi will go tosydney ,andoneday imight evenvisit Italy.
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