Goal Achieved450字
August 24th. It's a happy day I guess. The total income of this month is more than ten thousand dollars up to now which has been set as my goal. At the beginning of this month I was only paid a small amount of money so I have been worried about the income goal cannot be achieved.
To my surprise, the salary comes without any notification, more than six thousand in the morning and eight hundred in the afternoon.
Hopefully the next month will not make me disappointed. I am aware of my anxiety about money coming from the fact that there is a long way ahead of me and sometimes I cannot get rid of the thought of poverty.
With a well-paid part time job I can afford what I want. The more hardworking I am the more I will be paid. Thus I keep being diligent with long working hours. I spend most time working.
Admittedly money lets me feel comfortable. Seeing some people living in poverty unhappily I feel sorry for them and I make up my mind I would never lead a life like that. I could tell that their life is far from satisfying.
Earning a living becomes a little more difficult recently but I don't want to lower my standard. Ten thousand is a good number for me. After that I can take a break.
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Goal Achieved450字