September 12, 2003
Dear Ting Ting,
I had a letter from your mother a few days ago, but she didn"t give me much news about you。
She said you went on an ecology summer camp。 When I heard that you had seen a snake, I was worried。 I hope someone killed it!
I was sorry to hear that you had hurt your knee。 How did that happen? I hope it is better now。
I know your birthday is coming soon, so I am enclosing a check for you。 Write soon and tell me what you decide to do with the money。 I want you to spend it on something nice。
With lots of love。
1。 词数: 120 左右;
2。 参考词汇:生态学 ecology 。
September 28, 2003
Dear Grandma,
Thank you for your letter and the check。 It was really kind of you to send me so much money。
I spent one week at an ecology summer camp in the countryside。 Yes。 We did see a snake。 Five of the boys drove it away。 I was excited when they did it。
Thank you for your good wishes about my knee。 That afternoon, after I returned to school, I fell over on the stairs。 It was not serious and it"s getting better now。
Since I am very interested in nature, I"ve decided to spend the money you sent me on a telescope。 I can use it to observe natural things。 Will that be all right?
With lots of love。
Ting Ting
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