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  I woke up with the sun in my eyes. A morning? Have I slept for nearly 24 hours? “Liqi! You finally woke! Thank goodness!” I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t, “I need more rest. Is this next morning now?” I said. Jess looked at me. “No, it’s just in the afternoon. But Liqi, I think you should meet a person first. She saved you’re life!” Who? I thought. So, it wasn’t Jess that saved me? Just as I was thinking, this strange looking girl came up. When I say strange, I don’t really mean that she looks strange, well, she is actually. But she’s quite pretty, I admit. But her red hair is all frizzy. Her clothes are rags. And her hazel eyes reminded me of the black dress lady. I try to move back. She only smiled, “Hello Liqi, I’m Peggy!” She held out her hands as she said. She looks nice, I thought, so I shook hands with her. After a few hours of chatting, We knew something about the big “X” on the map. “100 years ago, a pirate ship went past this island. They buried the treasure here. But they never went back to get it. Then, not long ago, people found the treasure, and the map. They thought that the map is nothing, so left the map here. The “X” is where they hid their treasure. And, do you know? I came here 5 years ago. With my grandpa.” Soon after she finished, this jolly old man came up. That must be his grandpa.

  We thought about exploring island. Peggy said she’ll show us. She said she’d show us the cave. And said that we’ll go there in the “safe” way, which, is going underwater. It is Summertime, and the water is pretty warm. Plus we’ve got our bathers with us, this could be a great experience!

  We changed on our swimming suits, and followed Peggy in to the water. I thought I won’t make it, because of my asthma. But it had only been a few minutes until we reached the cave. It was really scary, there were skeletons and bones scattered around this place. Jess was so afraid, so we had to go home again. We had some wild fruits for dinner, and made a camp beside Peggy and her grandpa’s house. “Peggy and her grandpa should be asleep now, listen to the snore!” Jess said. I jumped, “Jess, you can’t sleep as well? Why?” I felt Jess move towards me,” Well, I’m thinking about the cave, and all the bones. There must be something about it. I pretend that I was afraid so they won’t think I’m going back there again.” I need to say, Jess is smart.

  We arrived at the cave again, with our torches. We moved around, touching the parts of the cave, wet, dirty, disgusting. And then, suddenly, the cave spilt into half. “What did you do?” I called to Jess on the other side. “I only touched the skeleton, and it dropped the ground!” Her voice sounded terrified. So, there is something about this cave? I kept on touching and moving things, the cave becomes one again. Then, a little door came open. With interest, Jess and I went in there. What a sight! There were diamonds and cash and all sorts of things that are worth money. And then, the little door swung open again. And you know who it is? It was the tattooed man and the black dress lady!! They grabbed us, and tied us together. Jess and I wriggled, but it’s no use. We’re locked up in an other room that’s in the cave. I heard the man and the lady talking. “The things here are worth a fortune! You half and I half, ok?” the man said to the woman. “No, I get a bit more, it was me who noticed the 2 little brutes, and followed them into this cave to find the stuff. So, in some sort of way, I‘m the one who found these! FINDERS KEEPERS!” “NO WAY! It was my dad’s treasure, you have no right to take it!” the tattooed man roared. Good, looks like they’re having an argument. That means we have a chance to escape. “Liqi, I have an idea!” Jess whispered, “I have a small knife in my right hand pocket. You try to get it out, and cut the rope!” I wriggled, telling her I understand. But just as I was trying, the door went open...


典英文谚语30句 (上)500字















  • 我也会飞500字


  • 春天的计划300字


  • 图书展500字


  • 游园大冒险450字
