Blame on Yourself350字
It's a fact, though I don't want to admit, that I habitually blame on everything but myself. When I'm defeated. I would complain that the questions on the test are too difficult, the teachers have too poor experience to improve me and so on. It seems that I'm accustomed to ignore all my own reasons.
As it is, most of us today tend to avoid our own responsibility and be increasingly self-centered in life. Our reasons sound somewhat convincing at firsr, but after careful thought, all our excuses for self-centeredness will sound hollow:" I was too busy to review" or "I was not interested in that" or "It's the teacher's fault notmine". We can't deny that no one can be completely responsible for your furture and you're the only one to be blame for your fault.
Winter, an American artist once said," If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it." I can't agree more. I think we can seize the initiative in most cases. You can blame others and don't do anyhing. But you'd better search from your own reasons and change yorself.
To sum up, blame more on yourself rather than others.
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