My father600字
my father is one is not high not the short person, he already had 40 years old, also did not calculate that is too graceful. When I was young, he accompanied me to go to the park frequently to play. However, he at I not clever time will hit me to scold me. Because of like this, I has flowed many tears, but that is because I made the wrong thing: that day, I and Schoolmate Lai Jiahui go to the library to read. After reading the book, I went to her family with her to play. I play very much late. Greatly indignant past 6:00. After I get the home, daddy then asks my today's experience. I did not say that stirred up the ignition daddy. Then daddy scolded me. My tear “whish whish whish whish whish” flowed. speaks of my father's temperament, he not too has been good, compared with easy to lose one's temper: one, I messed up family's in thing. After daddy gets the home, saw that then has gotten angry: “was called you to get the home to tidy up, was such chaotic!”At that time, I thought silently at heart: I just now go home, I did not think that in the family is very chaotic. two, I had that day forgotten tidies up the shoes cabinet's outside shoes, the consequence did not need to say. three, I place the pen on the tabletop, uses up forgets to put away, daddy without demur throws the pen after ground, then scolds I. four, He let write down me who I wrote travel to forget to write, the consequence did not need to say. five, Evening I read on the bed do not sleep, scolds me. , my father gave people a hard time now changes. For example: That day, I have messed up the family, he was only speaks two words. If before is, my buttocks already blossomed. I ask daddy: “why don't you hit me not to scold me now?”He said: “you had already grown up, I hit you to be also useless. I like present's daddy really.
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My father600字
