My father’s job(我爸爸的工作)200字
My fathr is a nic man. H liks to play computr gams. H is an ownr of a factory which producs many things .H is good at dsigning. H works vry hard. I lov him vry much bcaus somtims I can hlp him to do somthing in his factory .H is always on businss trips bcaus h has his businss vrywhr so it taks up too much of his tim . Thrfor h dosn’t hav any tim to play with m but I don’t blam him for that. I oftn spnd a lot of my tim on th computr so I hav somthing to do. My mothr is usually on th phon and tlls my fathr to gt hom arly but my fathr dosn’t listn to hr. So my mothr and I somtims ar upst and I don’t lik my fathr in a sns that h always gts hom lat.
I lov my fathr but not his job!
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My father’s job(我爸爸的工作)200字
