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  You can act!

  One day, Sister’s teacher Jane says, “Hello, everyone. I’m in charge of (负责) the school play this year. Some of you will have parts in it.”

  Brother and Cousin Freddie get parts. Sister gets a part, too. She is going to be the princess.

  “Well, how nice it is!” says Papa. “My little girl is going to play the part of the princess!”

  “But I’m afraid I won’t play it well,” says Sister.

  “It’s a piece of cake (小菜一碟) . Look at me!” says Brother. He begins to perform. After that, he says, “See? It’s easy!” But Sister isn’t sure. She feels a little nervous.

  The next day, Sister goes to the big room. She’s been in this room many times. But she’s never been on the stage. When she imagines people watching her play, she feels more nervous.

  On the way to school, Sister is still worried about the play. “Don’t worry, Sister, it’s a piece of cake,” says Brother. “I can do my part standing on my head (非常容易地) !”

  “And I can do my part hanging from a branch!” says Brother. Cousin Freddie and other cubs think Brother is funny. But Sister doesn’t even smile.

  That evening, Sister asks Mama for help. “You already know the story. Now you need more practice,” says Mama.

  That’s what Sister does. She practices in front of her toys. She practices in front of her forest friends. She practices in front of Papa and Mama.

  “That’s good,” says Mama. “And you’ll have a big rehearsal. That helps. Now, where is your brother? ” “Don’t worry about him,” says Sister. “He can do his part standing on his head (非常容易地).”

  The rehearsal does help. But the room is empty. It’s quite different.

  And now, at last, the moment comes! The curtain (幕布)opens. And there is Sister!

  Everything goes fine until Brother gets on the stage (舞台). He forgets his lines (台词)!

  “I can’t remember my lines,” he whispers to Sister. “Why don’t you try standing on your head?” whispers Sister. Then she helps him with his lines.

  When the play ends, the applause is long and loud. After the show, Mama and Papa come backstage(后台). “That is so good!” says Papa. “Good job!” says Mama. “A piece of cake (小菜一碟),” says Princess Sister.

  Tell the truth


  (1) On Sunday, Papa and Mama are not at home. Brother and Sister sit in the living room. They have nothing to do.

  (2) "Let's go get some wild blackberries", says Sister. Brother thinks about that. "No," he says, "wild blackberries have too many thorns."

  (3) "Well, then," says Sister, "let's go out and play on the swing." Brother thinks about that. "No," he says, "we did that yesterday."

  (4) Sister gets angry with her brother. She says, "All you want to do is sit here and hug that football. I think you must be in love with the ball!"

  (5) "I am not!" says Brother. "But I'll tell you something: Let's play football and see who is the better player!" "OK!" says Sister.

  (6) Brother kicks the ball. He is fast. Sister is fast, too. She blocks the ball with her knee. The ball bounces against a bookshelf, against a chair, against a table and breaks Mama's favorite lamp!

  (7) Crash! The sound scares a bird away. Brother and Sister are worried. Mama is on her way home.

  (8) "My lamp!" says Mama. "My best lamp! What happened? Tell me about it." She looks at Brother and Sister. Brother and Sister look at Mama, and then at each other. What are they going to say and do?

  (1)“It was a bird!” says Brother. “Yes,” says Sister, “a big purple bird with yellow feet, green wings and a red head!”

  (2) Papa comes back. Brother and Sister begin to tell him about the bird. But the bird becomes quite different.

  (3) "Mama, we're really sorry about the lamp," says Brother. "Oh, yes!" says Sister. "It wasn't a bird! It was a football!" "And it was all my fault!" shouts Brother. "It was my fault!" shouts Sister. At that time, the phone rings.

  (4) "Hello, Gran!" says Mama. "Everything is fine here. How are you?" "But, Mama!" says Sister. "You told Gran that everything is fine, and that isn't the truth!"

  (5) "Oh, but it is," says Mama. "We have two good kids. They just learned an important lesson about telling the truth. What could be finer than that? Now, let's help Papa fix5 the lamp."

  (6) Brother and Sister still make mistakes sometimes. For example, Sister makes the floor dirty. Brother eats honey on his bed.

  (7) Look, Brother and Sister are playing football in the house again!

  (8) But Brother and Sister no longer tell lies7. They know good kids should always tell the truth.

  Five silly fishermen


  1.One day five fishermen go fishing. They are lucky. Each fisherman gets a big fish. "What a fine supper we will have!" says one fisherman. "Now let's go home."

  2. "Are we all here? Let me count first," says another. "One, two, three, four. Oh, no! One of us is missing!"

  3. "It cannot be!" says another. So he begins to count. "One, two, three, four. I see four fishermen too! One of us has drowned!"

  4. All the fishermen hug each other. They cry and cry.

  5. Just then a little girl comes by. "Why are you so sad?" she asks them. "One fisherman is missing," says one fisherman. "One, two, three, four," he counts again.

  6. The little girl sees his mistake right away. The fisherman forgets to count himself. "Will you give me your fish if I find your friend?" she asks. "Yes! Yes!" they say.

  7. "Now jump into the river one at a time," the little girl tells them. "And I will count you." Splash! Splash... The fishermen jump into the river one by one. One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

  8. "Five!" the fishermen shout, "We found our lost friend!" The fishermen give the little girl all their fish. They have no fish for supper. But they are all together and happy again.

  Moving day


  1 Clifford grows very fast. Now he is really big!

  2 In fact, all the neighbors are starting to notice him.

  3 Someone calls the police. They come to see Clifford. They say Clifford would have to go. But how? He can't go through the door.

  4 There is just one way to get him out of our garden.

  5 We send him to live with my uncle. He lives in the country.

  6 I am sad. I miss my little puppy. And he misses me.

  7 One day, we get a surprise. My uncle wants Dad to come work with him in the country. We move right away.

  8 Clifford is waiting for me. I say, "Clifford, stop growing. You are just right." I love my big red dog.

















  • 飞翔的体验350字


  • 我的童年300字


  • 春天的计划300字


  • 要是能飞该多好450字
