Double skin milk600字
Do you like double skin milk ? Do not often go to the milk tea shop to buy to eat it ? But at the time of buying, when eating double skin milk and fear this cup of double skin milk added a lot of preservatives ? In fact , you can do at home to eat double skin milk . Do not buy raw materials, only need to buy a double skin milk powder . You know what ? A double skin milk spoon can do two bowls of Double - Layer Steamed Milk. And ,the two bowl is not a common bowl , but a big bowl. So in the outside to buy the double , skin milk ,their cost is very low. But in the outside of a cup of double skin milk to five yuan, the merchant is a cup of money you earn three yuan. And you can not guarantee the freshness of the double skin milk that you buy outside . Double skin milk for a long time can not eat. So the shelf life of double skin milk is in the refrigerator can save five days. But the best taste is within three days. In the refrigerator for a long time things can not eat , because there will be bactenria in the refrigerator , after eating will not be good for the body .
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Double skin milk600字