SPring Has Arrived(春天来了)100字
Spring has ar - rived. Spring has sr - rived
Flow - ers are bloom - ing. Flow - ers are bloom - ing.
Birds are sing - ing.Bing - ing.
Where has it arrived
Where are they bloom - ing
Where are they sing - ing
Arrived in the moun - tains arrived in the val - leys
Blooming in the moun - tains blooming in the val - leys
Singing in the moun - tains singing in the val - leys
arrived in my home - town.
blooming my home - town.
singing in my home - town.
SPring Has Arrived(春天来了)字相关文章:
★ 春天来了200字
★ 春天来了150字
★ 春天来了150字
★ 春天来了300字