The Olympic Games700字
China, a large sports country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. It is the first time for China to hold such an important match. We have no experience, but the people all over the country are participating in all kinds of activities and getting ready for it. Chinese people will give the world the best Olympic Games in history. It is also a good chance for China to show its strong national power to the world. Having the future in mind, we must study hard and try to be good at English.
The Olympic Games字相关文章:
★ The Olympic Games(奥林匹克运动会)350字
★ 北京奥运(The Olympic Games Of Beijing)150字
★ The Olympic Games and Me(我与奥运)350字
★ The Olympic Games in London250字
★ The Olympic Games and Me(我和奥运会)300字
★ The Olympic Games and Me(我和奥林匹克)350字
★ Will what to do for the Olympic Games(将为奥运做些什么)150字
★ 暑假去北京看奥运(Summer vacation go to Beijing to see the Olympic Games)100字
The Olympic Games700字