
The spell of limit biological grew up400字

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  In earth's biosphere, only two kinds, the largest animal on land is the elephant, the sea is the whale; Level of animals, the ocean there are sharks, dolphins, seals and walrus, land have horses, cattle, donkeys, tigers and lions, etc.; Smaller animals, land such as Wolf and fox, rabbit, chicken, sea turtles, fish, crab, shrimp, etc. So on, from large animals to animals, the smaller the individual, the more species. A plant. Thus, earth's biosphere has two according to the individual species, how many pile up to the size of the "biological pyramid", is inversely proportional to the biological individual dimensions and between species, the greater the individual species, survival is difficult, the greater the number the less natural.

  At the same time, back to nature all species under the "curse" : each species can't want how much! Such as the highest eucalyptus trees, there is no more than 160 meters.

  Why all life on earth is subject to the "curse"? Scientists, the land and sea, the difference of two "biological pyramid" itself provides us with the answer: such as the blue whale is the biggest animal in the ocean, can grow to 3 l, m, and the largest land animal is the elephant, and only 10 meters, big proportion of the size of the former and the latter is almost 3:1. Look at the area of the ocean and land, the ratio between them is about 3:1. Creatures living space determines the size of the creatures.

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