
my vampire friend(11)1000字

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  Chapter 11

  “Andy! Come back, or I shall ignore you and despise you for the rest of my life! I shall never ever speak to you again, understand?” I panicked in fear. I hate basements, where I’m stored like an object with the other junk. And I hate the smell of card board boxes and rotten food. I so do want to throw up. And I see spiders everywhere, what if one of them climbs onto my back and bites me? Black widows are extremely poisonous, they kill. And they often appear in dark areas like basements for sure. It’s way too scary. The more I think about it, the more I fear. I sat there, a little carried away by my creative imagination.

  “Andy, I’m serious! Release me, or die! ” I acted a tone like in one of those horror movies when someone was trapped all alone and no one helped him. And finally came out and moaned, “You didn’t help me, and now you should pay for it, with your life.” Stupid stories, but this is in real life.

  He finally came back with a box of biscuits; I think they’re chocolate chip cookies. What ever. “When can I go back?” I demanded angrily. It was 7:00.

  “At midnight.” Was his reply.

  “But the disco will be over then.” I protested.

  “Exactly, that’s the point.”

  “Look, the disco is starting in half an hour, if you don’t get me there on times, I shall hate you for the rest of my life.” I gave an imploring look.

  “We can go to another club,” he decided. “What about club flame?”

  I shook my head, determined about my decision.

  “But you see. It’s dangerous.” He replied. Oh my god, we were back to the place we started.

  “This won’t get us anywhere, listen, I know you’re concerned about my safety. But it’s my life anyway and I should have the right to live it.”

  This won’t work, it won’t work. I just know it won’t work.

  “Ok, then,” I nearly fainted. “Only in my accompany.” He added.

  “Thanks.” A warm smile spread across my face.

  “And don’t talk to any strangers.” He warned.

  I nodded joyfully, stood up by his surprise, handed in the rope.

  “Wow, how’d you do that?” he was amazed.

  “I have superpowers.” I whispered in his eyes.

  Somehow I was celebrating but he had this gloomy look wore on his face again. I hopped out of the room, breathing in greedily. Andy said something blurry, it sounded something like “How I wish you did.”

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