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  “Martha, look at this! ” Abby, Martha’s best friend said in excitement, pointing at her favorite book.

  As Abby opened the book, magic powers burst out. A force is also pulling her into the book like a magnet! Abby screamed in horror. A few seconds later, Martha realized the truth: Abby had been transported into the book The World of Wizard and Witches!

  There is only one way to save Abby, she decided, which is to go and find Catherine Roberts, the author of the book. After searching crazily, she found out the author lived close by. She took one last look at her room and decided, she was not coming back until she had rescued her best friend.

  In the world of wizard and witches, Abby was crying. She was feeling very homesick. As she thought of her home, more tears came down from her eyes. So there she is, crying harder than ever for not knowing what to do.

  In the real world, Martha met the author.

  “Hi, I am Catherine Roberts. A famous writer,” the author introduced herself. “What brings you here, little girl?”

  I am not a little girl! That old woman most crazy to call me that!

  Martha starts to be inpatient: “My name is Martha, not little girl. What brought me here was that, my friend was being transported into your book!”

  “Are you sure? Transported into my book! You must be kidding,” said Catherine in surprise.

  “I am not kidding! Now, get her out of there,” yelled Martha in anger.

  “Okay. Don’t get too worried. I promise I’ll help her get out. But, that means we need join her,” said Catherine, trying to calm Martha down.

  “Alright! I am doing this for my best friend,” Martha made up her mind.

  So, they went to join Abby. It took them two days of searching to find her. Abby introduced her two new friends she had made: a wizard named Victor and a witch named Polly. Martha and Abby are happier than ever to be back together. However, they still need to go back to the real world.

  The group finally came up with a plan. Catherine would be their information seeker. The rest would work on doing spells, so they can use the force to send Martha and Abby home.

  However, As days went by, nothing much happened.

  Abby cried out again and again: “When would I be back in the real world again?”

  After despairing for two days, Catherine met the sad group with an exciting news that shocked them all: “Listen! I got important news! Everyone was talking about it. They all said a mysterious and evil wizard Calvin did something horrible. Now this world is in danger and so is the human world!”

  “Calvin…I know him! He was my enemy. So he became evil…I should have know not trust him,” said Victor thoughtfully.

  “Alright! Let’s get to work,” said Martha.

  They first decided to do spell practice. So for the next two days and nights, all you can hear from the party’s meeting place are spells like this:

  “Stupefy!” “Finite Intatum!” “Expecto Patrovum!” “Wingvy Leviosa!” “Cruciatus!” After all that hard work, they all got better.

  “Calvin the evil wizard created a black talon, because his master the Lord told him to. The lord used the talon as a powerful weapon to hurt his enemies” Catherine told her friends, “with that the lord can become the ruler! It is not safe anymore in this world. The evil live in the hunted old castle beside the jungle, in the south.”

  “Okay. Catherine you will stay behind and be our back up helper. We are going tomorrow morning right after sunrise. So we can arrive there in late afternoon. Good night, friends.”

  Next morning, everyone was excited, so they were all up early. As the sun rises, they marched on their brooms, and started flying in direction of south following the lead of Victor.

  Suddenly, Abby pointed to the west: “I saw a wizard over there! Look!”

  “Oh my god! It must be the evil!”

  “Alright, We need to divide up now. Polly and Abby, you two go follow the evil wizard. Martha and me would go into the castle. Use your owl to send message. Good luck, everyone!”

  So, Polly and Abby went to follow the evil wizard.

  Martha and Victor flied a few more minutes, then arrived at the hunted castle. They saw signs of evil everywhere.

  “Alohomora,” Victor yelled out, wand pointing at the locked castle door.

  It opened. They entered the dark castle.

  “Lumos,” Martha called out.

  A narrow beam of light shined out from her wand’s tip. They entered the castle quietly.

  All of sudden, a black wolf jumped out. It slowly transformed into a mysterious wizard. They were both shocked.

  “It was a big mistake to turn to the dark side. It totally isn’t worth it. Not just for power. You will pay for this,” said Victor angrily.

  Then, he turned and whispered to Martha: “He is Calvin. Be careful.”

  Martha and Victor blinked at each other, as if talking in a secret language.

  “Stupefy!” Martha and Victor yelled out together, wand pointing at the evil wizard.

  “You think you can defeat me this easily? Dreaming. Swuportus! Now, it’s to late for you to run away,” Calvin did an evil laugh, his wand pointing toward the castle door.

  The opened castle door is now locked.

  “Wingvy Leviosa!” Calvin yelled out, wand pointing at Martha.

  Martha started rising into the air, as if she is flying.

  “NO! Ah,” screamed Martha.

  “Finite Intatum!” Victor said, wand pointing at Martha.

  Martha is now safe. It’s time I finish Calvin up, for hurting my friends, Victor decided.

  “Incendio!” Victor yelled out, wand pointing at evil wizard.

  Fire started in the castle, especially around Calvin.

  “Furnunculus!” Calvin fought back in anger, wand pointing at Victor.

  Martha stared, she is not letting Calvin do that!

  “Impedimenta!” Martha blocked Calvin’s spell.

  Martha and Calvin are working together in a good team. But it worries Victor, knowing that they can’t do any big damage, nor can they defeat Calvin by themselves.

  “My master has given me the final order. It’s time for me to finish you two off! Turn into the dark side now, or you would be gone forever,” said Calvin.

  We are in danger, Martha thought, he can finish us of in a second. So she wrote down a help message, tied it to her owl Abyss, and sent it out the castle window.

  “I would be a fool to turn into the dark side! I am not becoming your slave! Never,” Victor said calmly in hate.

  “Expelliarmus! As long as you do what I said, I will not hurt you. Don’t worry, I am just going to unarm you.” Calvin called out in a squeaky voice, wand pointing straight at Martha’s wand.

  “NO! Victor, please help me. Ah,” called out Martha, starting to faint.

  “Ha…Victor, now it’s time for me finish you of with the killer curse, since you are my worth enemy. Avada Kedavra!” Calvin called out in concentration, wand pointing at Victor.

  The door banged open. Abby and Polly entered the castle.

  “Protego!” Abby called out quickly, using the spell to form a shield to protect Victor.

  Now, Calvin got scared. He must finish his job, or he would be badly punished. But, how can he take on 4 people by himself?

  “You have gone far enough, hurting me and my friends. But we well give you a chance. Now get out of here!” said Victor, trying to forgive Calvin.

  In a flash the evil disappeared.

  Suddenly, Martha saw something from the corner of her eye. Can it really be the dark talon? That’s it!

  “Evanesco!” Martha yell out, wand pointing at the dark talon.

  She destroyed the Lord’s most powerful weapon. The evil’s curse is now undo. She defeated the evil!

  Polly then cured Martha and Victor with some silver magic powder.

  Later, Catherine joined them with a happy news: “I found the spell that can transport you two back to the real world. It is Apparition. Abby and Victor cast it on you two. Remember to concentrate on where you want to go.”

  “Bye, Martha and Abby,” said Victor and Polly together.

  “Goodbye, friends. Thanks for everything. I will miss you,” said Martha, not wanting to leave her friends.

  Abby said sadly: “I really don’t want to leave you, my friends. But I have no choice. Hope to see you again.”

  “Apparition!” Victor and Polly called out together with very good concentration, wand pointing at their friends.

  They are back to the real world.

  “Where was you?” asked Martha’s lovely mom.

  “On a camping trip. It was great. I really enjoyed it, ” lied Martha.

  However, in Martha’s mind, this adventure is sure million times better than a camping trip.


No title500字

No Title200字


No Title400字

No Title900字






  • 飞翔的体验350字


  • 我的童年300字


  • 春天的计划300字


  • 要是能飞该多好450字
