"Shenglong Warrior" and I say
"Hey! Cherry queen, how do you ignore me? Doing?" Warriors of the Yang, Chen claimed Shenglong QQ, he kept flying at me.
I did not say what he said: "Oh Well, we crash and how to start growing vegetables cherry Queen's wrong?" "I kind of I want you to control you?" I have to call him arrogant. He experienced users, however, grow vegetables almost every day!
"Amount !…… that you play" bubble hall "it? Shenglong Warriors asked me
"Play! But I do not want to Wan La!"
"Oh! That the number to me, I added you! You?" Shenglong Warriors also sent me a question mark face
"All right! Another day," I also made the expression of a storm in the past, can no longer ignore him.
However, long time no play. Previous on Fine!
I do not care Shenglong warrior because I went to class QQ group, and to see my buddies, "Purple Sakura" Tao Sandra.
She was happy to tell me: "Ha ha! Hard work pays off yo!"
I called to her puzzled expression. She said with a smile, a will tell me.
"I definitely know what you're surfing!" Purple cherry again that nagging said.
I told her: "Ha ha! Yes, the eldest of a long on-line it!"
"Oh! How the two do not, on their way?" Tao Sandra impatiently.
"Oh! The two ah!" Said that we "cherry flowers in full bloom," Portfolio Yeah! The other two: "Dream Flower Honey" Cai Lan heart and "monthly spending falling," Wu Mei-Yueh.
"I and Hu Mei-Yueh Tsai blue heart, Tao is like the cherry Sandra combination of four, as well as our network name is on the type of cherry. So we took the name!
Shenglong Warriors also funny: "I look like the past, the Japanese are certainly affected by the shock of your foursome, only then it is called the national flower.
