whether students who study inside the campus can get a part-time job or not is a topic which is being discussed .some students say yes to it because they think it can help them understand their parents' hardship while some don't agree with it, saying it's a waste of time for study.
in my opinion, a student can get a part-time job on condition that it doesn't have a side effect on his normal study in the daytime. as a matter of fact, the good effects that a part-time job brings to a student should be more than the side ones because taking a part-time job can bring students more chances to get in touch with society.
what's more, it also makes students experience the hardship of making money. however, students who get a part-time job should control the time for part-time job as well as pay attention to their safety when they go to work. besides, they should spend their income from the part-time job reasonably.
