
Become a smart chinese person(成为聪明的中国人)700字

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  Hero a familiar word.there are a lot of heroes in our life.The men usual give their life for helping other people who is in a deep trouble.

  Let’s have a look a latest heroMengXiangbin.He was an excellent soldier.His parents were ill in hospital. He has wife and a there-year-old daughter .In Novenber they xcane to Jinhhua to MengXiangbin.

  The next day when they arrives.MengXiangbin went for a walk with wife and danghterWhen they closed to the TongjiBridgethey saw a young woman,he only took off a jacket just jumped into the river. In winter the water is very cold at the moment,there was another soldier jumped into river to save.With the soldier’s helpthe young woman left away death but MengXiangbin was disappeard in the river.

  The young woman was very sorry and sadshe kneeled down in front of MengXiangbin’s wifehowever his wife spoke to her:“Don’t give up your life.”How great she is!

  Later the local pople held a large funeral they were all very sad. People from many cities took part in the funeral. When they know that his family’s difficult,they raised money for his family,only 24 hours they rased three hundred thousand yuan.meng xiangbi was a great man he will live in everyone’s heart for ever.

  In fact a small thing can refleet a man’s moralcharacter. There is a unhappy thing too.

  As far as I remember at hat time I went for a walk with my mother. When we walked through a restaurant we saw a man sell watermelons the manager of the restaurant said to the man:you block this road at my doorway shopper can’t came to my restaurant to eat they all went to others to eat you influenced my trade.” With a stronger and serious voice.

  Soon many people walked towards here watched with interest the manager dick the man and fighted him .But thereis nobody help the man .

  I felt unpleased.Why the manager didn’t give the man to expleain maybe the man wasn’t willfully Did he only use these ways to solve the problem? Doesn’t he know“do as you would be done by”.Why the people don’t stop these bad behavious don’t they want to watch more “piays”?

  When you see as same these bad things. What will you do? None are so blind as those who won’t see? Or……I think we should stop these behawious quickly. Let’s become a smart Chinese person. Let’s become the pride of the China!

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Become a smart chinese person(成为聪明的中国人)700字

Become a smart chinese person(成为聪明的中国人)700字





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