
The smell of shandong1600字

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  Get in, go along the Yellow River road, boundless twilight along Huang Tulu diffuse away into the distance, seemed to see end.Bus DianDianBoBo line, there was no voice under the sky, the wind and the smell of soil along the window gap, wrapped in your breath.You sleepy shut my eyes and seemed to go to sleep.

  Neighbor man suddenly yelling: "here, here!"

  Are you surprised.Open your eyes, the bus pulled into the station, the car full of people hurry to stand up, you look out of the window, waved and waiting, also could hear the familiar dialects across the window.You followed out of the car and stood in the lobby of the on hold with closed eyes, took a deep breath, the taste with the north is dry with sand rough into your nose.You open your eyes, eyes red.

  Yes, this is the taste of shandong.

  This piece of land, is the flavor of the vicissitudes of life.

  Turn of history, during the spring and autumn period situation is still in the land of qilu, under the leaden cloud blowing, the violent wind wreaths.

  In 222 BC, the qin Wang Ben into neat unexpectedly is 222.That day, the white kabuli in the wind, the soldiers shouted kill shake the heavens and the earth.Soon, qi wang into the qin.At this point, and that the six nations into the territory of the qin dynasty, the beginning of the situation."Me to Miao Miao, riots, the part over the spirit of lai temple, six king salty suit the koo, the world big."When once the king of qin proud to say this sentence, light break the darkness, light the dynasty created a new chapter of history.

  Unified the six countries of the third year of emperor qin shi huang mount tai I.Ming method, the bits in the "emperor, cropping liegeman even chi. Twenty six years, and at the beginning of the world, let alone do not obey. Oh, the pro tour far climb mount tai, very east Zhou Lan. From princes, origin cause, only merit. Governance, the appropriate production, there is French..."Taishan stone carvings on the remained.

  Person after all is humble, their blood into the thoughts of Confucius, how they accept "ding dang jade, gold bead gravel" "like a fierce tiger" qin people?When below people how to think, you don't know.You stroked through wind and frost, like stroking the heavy history.

  You took a deep breath, and smell the vicissitudes of life in one thousand.

  This piece of land, is the flavor of life.

  "Is so vast plains of the Yellow River far away, or had Huang Hecai had this plain?"Jia pingwa in loving asked "in shandong province".The problem, after all, it is hard to answer, or perhaps couldn't find the answer.But it doesn't matter.You and as far - there is a wheat field, green and yellow, long and farmers hand sickle cold milling force of short.On the farmer is typical of shangdong cloth shoes, black and tan's neck with a towel, thick lips wide open, you bright smile, with a special (all of the land.

  You don't know how to record of the blade review su word, said: "must the kanto big fellow, pipa of copper, iron plate, singing great river east to" --, the big fellow of thought like this, must have the same uninhibited Sue word to sing, and does the twist the wrinkling is broken im willow word can match?We couldn't open mouth smiled, too.

  Cut down the wheat to the shell, into a white powder.The woman put the wheat powder in large porcelain bowl, and water and knead.Hands with a hard, shoulder a https://www.zuowendang.com rubbed, face the spied was rubbed out.Noodles do dumplings, kneaded or steamed stuffed bun.Shandong steamed stuffed bun and dumplings, with tiny dots in the south couldn't ratio, and the stuffing paper thin, how how to pay.You bite - well!Sweet tongue will fall.Or again, bean powder mixed with XiaoMiMian, mixed into rice paste, scooped up a spoonful of the burning hot pancake griddle on a stand, blink of an eye is done.Spicy sweet crisp green Chinese onion dip in sauce, shandong to brown wrapped in a pancake, import a bit down, ductile and brittle, a fresh taste early through nasal cavity and rushed into the top of the skull and only let a person think sneezes.This is the south the delicate light snacks no better than.Shandong snacks like person, outgoing, agile, give a person the most intuitionistic sense stimulation.This is also often it is the most attractive place.

  You take a deep breath, has smelled the most ordinary life.

  This piece of land, diffuse is the taste of culture.

  To shandong, is can't help but to qufu, also not to mount tai.The special, and the two places are closely associated with a character.

  You stand in front of the Confucius temple, the stone engraved with the st mark figure, China's earliest stone strip.Shiji was documented, Confucius "born on taking the top first, so called QiuYun, nine feet six inches long, people of length varies of".The so-called taking the roof, according to the interpretation of the "index", that is, "such as the yu. The yu, if the estate, low and high sides also."Visible Confucius looks really not good-looking, as the people on the etchings, "head concave face width, HuoYa dew nose".However, it happened that is such an ugly, let countless people respect, millions of people to pursue.Confucius founded in China for thousands of years, and has deep influence to Confucianism, with "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, letter" to build the ancient architecture of the Chinese nation is the most basic social ethics.Although in his times, Confucianism did not get attention in the chaos, even at the beginning of the empire, suffered a "burying Confucian" blow, but as a ball of fire, the plain it silently absorb the force in the heaven and earth, and then, broke out.This fire not only through the shandong, also to the country, and even abroad.Qufu's Confucius temple, Kong Yuan, ambling, up to now the people search for search, search for traces of the great thinkers of the past.

  Climb mount tai.Here are five mountains, you raise head, neck acid, still can't see, see the white fog, silent stands, the green hill, it hunched over this piece has been for thousands of years of earth.You produce a kind of instinct feeling in my heart, it feels more than fear, there is something already melt in the blood - it at the end of your heart beating, seemed to have blurts out, but you didn't.You just silently on mount tai.Worse, Yin, azure clouds temple, tang cliff, jade emperor peak, without proper, RiGuanFeng, deep lu Taiwan...In the past you one by one.You don't feel tired, there's something in your heart was beating, only step by step with stone steps, you didn't feel safe, like after a long journey finally came home.

  You took a deep breath, then sniffed the culture of the deep in the earth...

  This is the most primitive call deep in the earth, with a history of rolling sand, with the moved of golden, sounds of pines with mount tai.This is the most natural taste, beyond the paper and pencil, excitement your senses, agitated for your soul.

  Not don't know the taste of shandong, shandong.

  In shandong, will fall in love with the taste of shandong.

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