
To save the little story1600字

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  I am moved by one thing

  Live life in this world there is always a lot of things let a person a shrine estrogen the world is not what yao ruthless people always have feelings between people get along just because some get along well some get along with bad all of this is a very real phenomenon!

  The most let I touched of things there are a lot of:

  When I was a child my father play milk for me in the snow and the shepherd dog fight mother is very funny but I was really touched it often stick to me a reason to live because of this so people want to live better

  When I was a child father is a soldier has always been honest is my dream now sentry often play with us; Almost always die mother often talk about my childhood later to save to commander's daughter is a doctor I have been very strange why is commander's daughter to a doctor? Why other doctors couldn't save me? It must be very trouble so I always very moved. Touch your life better. When I was a child I really very troublesome remember often sick and some every week the father would often came back from the army to take me to the hospital sees a doctor also often remember to stop vehicles sometimes by jeep.

  Primary school there are times is also sick on the way back always walk walk slowly then the teacher told my mother my mother back my home I remember was pretty big!

  Parents has been very good to me the hour hou also often be scold sometimes playing alas come to think of it the house rules is many not can't down the river can't fight not what of so now is to abide by sometimes break once he felt very happy!

  Now that I think about it before reading the junior middle school and high school college and parents often talk back let parents angry now that I'm into adult will often remind of in college my father sent me to school I always insist on yourself but he always not at ease and he will quarrel! Father is very good but I was very poor so I often think of the parents is not to to make their own things often wondered sometimes he is the tree I like the shade of trees mainly when what can grow up and beyond?

  He went to the Beijing party school to learn there are six months or a year wrote a letter to mom I brought it back remember to always want us to study hard like we always stupid not to learn the same alas is not in the eyes of my father?

  Recently I published my article "information technology education for dad to see he doesn't want to see my mother said that to see he didn't find reading glasses alas it's a pity that I wrote and courseware design how to this can make dad understand? Anyway he is a serious look at a few pages has not made any different opinions but he said in a national magazine published an article is a good thing also encouraged me to write more alas write so easy! Remember dad is when reporters ? Anyway he is a serious look at a few pages has not made any different opinions but he said in a national magazine published an article is a good thing also encouraged me to write more alas write so easy! Remember dad is that when the reporter before the secretary will also take pictures so I must also meet a lot of!

  One year I went to liuzhou daily specially make my dad to help me pay attention to collect a few pieces he is always very flat net also said that to late liuzhou daily sold out but let my elder sister to help me to find a always remember.

  Sometimes think what hour the hou can often transcend his father's skill which he is capable of so I always let him look down upon alas life under this vision sometimes don't want to go home

  To have skill to be a good man a good life happy life before when you meet with difficulties sometimes will think impassability but always remember there are many things can be in namely however why can't we live well?

  Mom often said that you as a child would have died without the doctor rescue alas if yao would have died what is happy? So I just want to happy to play in the heart to play around in China and knowledge and at the same time to work harder now to remember to be a useful person my reaction is always slower than others for many years to think some problems.

  I often wonder why a lot of problems to after a long time to think and sometimes go for a year a few years!

  Anyway life is to live well though heaven might need not responsible for but still have too much concern in the world so has been can't go away reluctant to leave. Alive just face it!

  My parents moved me

  Moon for a foil of the night sky is more bright; Streams more clear for the pebble foil; Flowers because with the foil grass and more gorgeous. Open the window to the night sky the stars shine a light for the night on the ornament with rich luster the earth is filled with an aura of love...

  This topic is the old parents have more eternal but different people have different experiences and feelings. Throughout history many scholars and little ink express the great maternal love and describes the father loves the tenacity. Like meng jiao's "you zi Yin" zhu zi-qing "shadow". I felt the love of parents wind non-trace silent love. Parents cordial spin off the warmth of my heart.

  Primary school that year the entire sixth grade accumulate YiGuJin critical learning energy. I also unwilling to lag behind add enough horsepower busy reviewing. It happened unfortunately at this time I be ready for the final exam prepared to "6" children's programming but also to practice table tennis competition coupled with the days of school entrance examination every day I was like a machine out of order almost non-stop work no time to stop and rest. But in the end I achieved good results in the final exam cut a swath on the stage YueZhanYueYong on the table and with good grades to get into the day schools. What is? Let me have such a big power across the road bumps let I have so much courage to overcome the ?

  Is my parents gave me a steady stream of encouragement let me how many times stand up in front of frustrated to rediscover the confidence.

  Every school bell rang I was rushed to the playground at fast speed began to rehearse the performance. Mom and dad is always on the side looked at me with a smile on the stage a busy figure a kind of love the subtle smell like a bouquet of sunshine into my heart; After the rehearsal I grabbed my table tennis board come to ping-pong table in the practice under the training of teacher zhang chop rotary ball mention mixing and all kinds of methods of serving and catching.

  Sometimes mom and dad to enjoy my game I often can't help with a face of air secretly to see mom and dad the eyes of SEC each other of the parents for their children to encourage slowly into my body. Let me keep playing kubla khah dripping wet the sky was completely dark down just quickly ran home accompanied by mom and dad started a process with the other - math problems. Sometimes we grabbed the book attentively reading; Sometimes we cheerfully to discuss on the table; Sometimes we hold the pen on the draft paper calculate with rapt attention... All the problems solved in front of us three. Lying in bed at night the in the mind is not produce some regrets parents' love is ?Some say love it is born the family is our understanding of the best model of love and the teachers. People again also could not walk great range of love there is no limit to man's life is it is because there is no limit to the range of love itself.

  If the mother is a brook a mother's love is flowing stream of spring water delicate and tender.

  If the father is a mountain the father loves the stand is the mountain scenery broad and deep;

  I touched deeply by the love of parents perhaps the world is so made that is full of moving. Let us moved in the heart of precipitation let touched sublimation in precipitation let sublimation moved to render the world!In our home clean "the office" is indispensable he is my father. Every day to see home which items broken or which something dirty my father always rise to the occasion. Remember once my lamp is broken I hastened to my father my father looked at me immediately brought tools began to repair with the frequent ding chanting crowbars repair after my desk lamp repaired! I just want to say thank you daddy daddy is cloth the desk lamp carefully again and then ask me? I see the desk lamp of which is used for many years this is as good as new I was pleased to jump into the arms of his father al Jefferson said: "thank you daddy!" Father smiled happily.

  Looked at a whole wardrobe large and small colourful clothes and I think of "shopping" mother shopping. One afternoon I just after lunch mother will promptly took me to go to xidan. I asked my mother: "why in such a hurry?" Mother said: "xidan today is on sale." Our news fast run to the third floor bought three pieces of clothes then bought a basket of articles for daily use at this moment I am like a frustrated the ball try to mother home mom gloomily then went home.

  My home is a "quiet". Come home from school every day after finish the homework carefully examined help father mother do the housework every day. In fact it's not my instinct I ah most people will take care of. Remember once my mother was ill just by chance and dad was on duty so I decided to take care of my mother I give mom made a tomato egg noodles and then gently side to her my mother was very moved and I am also very happy. Mother a bite to eat then stroked my head and said: "really good my daughter grew up!" I was flattered. The next day under my care mother's illness have got better. She praised me is a good boy people say I have some embarrassed.

  This is our family a happy family 。

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