
How do you think about the western festivals500字

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  How do youthink about Chinese people celebrate the western festival?

  Now that, more and more western culture are accepted by easten countries. Some westernfestival likes Christmas, Volentine's Day, Thinksgiving Day and so on. More and more people who live in the big country especially the teenagers and love it very much.

  But the problem is that whether the Chinese should celebrate the western festival? It is certainly that different people hold different view. Some people think that Chinese should have western festival. Because we can through the western festivals to learn more about the foreign culture and customs. Besides, compared with the traditional Chinese festival, western festivals are more novel and can make people relaxed. It also can promote cultureal exchange. But another people hold a different view. They consider that Chinese shouldn't have western festivals. The reasons are like this. Many people don't know about thereligions and cultureal of western festivals . There are a mount of money is wasted in unnecessary aspects. Last,it will lead people to ignore the traditional festival and customs. The importance of the culture of the native will be cut down.

  In my opinion,Chinese should celebrate western festivals. Because now China is open to the world, so it need to learn more about the foreign cultures. And then, western festivals can make Chinese communicate with foreign people more meaningful. Follow these reasons, I am surely Chinese should have western festivals.

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