Do We Need Space Exploration-有必要进行空间探索吗600字
Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years It has been almost over forty years since man' s first landing on the moon. Now some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point out the thct that it cost billions of dollars to can3' on the space research but a little infrmation was brought back. In addition the time and money spent on space exploration is too much to calculate.
However every coin has two sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new products such as weather and communication satellites are also products of space programs and they have benefitted people all over the world. And what' s more. scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by the mankind.
We benefited a lot from space exploration. We believed that it will bring more benefits in the future which perhaps we can not even imagine now'. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That' s why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.
然而,任何事物都具有两面性。仍有大多数人认为进行空间探索利大于弊,我也非常赞同他们的观点。许多新产品,如气象、通讯卫星都直接得益于空间研究,使全球受益匪浅,而且人 类从中获得了不少关于太空的知识。
Do We Need Space Exploration-有必要进行空间探索吗字相关文章:
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Do We Need Space Exploration-有必要进行空间探索吗600字