Hi! Boysandgirls. Do you want to konw me ? ha, Let me tellyou ,My name is XiaoMao, this year, I am thirteen years old,and I an a school girl, Istuy inYONGLING Middle school,I think I am a good sudent, beaucse Iamgood at chinese, math .
In my home, there are three pelpo, my mother is work on shop,she work evey hard,so she can make some money in the month.My father is a theater, he is friendly with his sudent.Of cours,my mother and my father are love me very much,so ,I like my mom and dad too!
I have a best friend, her name is XiaoXi,we are classmate,we have agoodfriendship.And in some ways,we are same,but in some wayswe are difenrent. We both like piay tennis,in the P.E class,we usuallyplay it,but I think I am more althlet than her ,she is more quirter than me,although,we have some diffenrence, I like play with her verymuch!
★ Me(我)50字
★ 我的爷爷和我(My Grandpa and me )300字
★ Me150字
★ Are you sure you love me?200字
