
Reader swere also without U(读者没有美国)1300字

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  Readers were also without U.S. Asked a feeling of loss there is a call to abandon the beautiful Abandon a quiet did not give up a piece of your favorite friends Harvest did not give up the feelings of certain inputs; Expect to give up a certain soul; Give up some ideas Mind paying a sad but the sadness is not to hamper their start In the new time will be music to listen again to repeat the story! Because it is a natural and bid farewell to abandon it very standoffish so sad have beautiful! Once have a feeling that want it to be forever. Too many years it has found a gradually fade away. I realized placed in the hands it does not necessarily mean we really have; We possess We will forever remember it is not necessarily real life often conscious of the need to give up. There are so many wonderful things for the world. No owner of a beautiful we have been trying to have the desire and pursuit but busy. In fact his real need often experiencing so many years will understand. Have to have a beautiful we often lost because of the experience. and the existence of a disturbed and worried sunset hate sigh blooming flowers headaches this is not a happy life! Because we have the time we may be losing and the time to give up. We may also have to reconsider everything we can be absolutely sure. Tried to chase with the owner it is hard to hesitate out of misunderstanding. Need a quiet life out into the transcendent spirit of the people know how to abandon understand love the people know how to sacrifice. happy people know detached. Although I do not come to this world for you because you become more emotionally attached to this world and if you together. I will be full of gratitude to the world; If you can and together I would have been the left still not lost the love and gratitude of the world. I am grateful for the chance to meet with you and your parting complete with a poem created by God! Untold sorrow to our lives we will never have to answer. Thus to give up a safe stick to a secular monk detached no matter how life changes No matter how the individual choice regardless of the severity of how things shook hands although we also brave escape Although sad also pleased! We like walking the walk to the bottom of life we gradually give up as usual gradually firm 读者也没有要求每个失去感觉、 有一个美丽的呼吁放弃放弃一个安静、 不死心的朋友你最喜欢的一幅丰收不死心某种感情投入; 预料放弃某个灵魂; 放弃一些想法介意付出悲哀但次 电子悲伤不是阻碍他们在新的开始时间将再次重复聆听音乐的故事! 因为这是一种自然告别与放弃它非常爱理不理让悲伤都美丽! 曾经有一种感觉希望它永远. 太多年就找到了逐渐淡出. 摆在我手中实现但不代表我们真的; 我们所拥有的 我们将永远记住这是现实生活中并不一定时常意识到必须放弃. 有那么多美好的事物的世界. 老板不漂亮我们一直试图有意愿和追求而是忙着. 事实上他的真正需要往往经历这么多年能够理解. 必须有一个美丽的我们往往因为失去了经验. 并存在着不安和担心夕阳恨叹鲜花头疼这不是幸福! 因为我们有时间我们可能正在失去而放弃的时候. 我们还可能重新出发我们绝对确定. 大通试图与老板很难再犹豫是出于误会. 要过平静的生活到了超越精神的人懂得放弃理解 热爱人民懂得牺牲. 幸福的人知道沾边. 虽然我不是来这个世界为你 因为你更加眷恋这个世界如果你在一起. 我将充满感激的世界; 如果你能和在一起 我已经离开了仍然没有失去对世界的爱与感激. 我很感激有机会见到你和你别离完成上帝创造的一首诗! 无尽的悲痛和我们的生活我们绝不会回答. 因此放弃一个安全、坚持一个世俗和尚超脱不管生活变化 不管个人选择不论轻重如何握手 虽然我们也敢逃逸虽然难过还高兴! 我们喜欢散步走路底层生活便逐渐放弃一如既往逐步坚定

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