Catches the snail500字
I attend class today in the school time Mr./Mrs. Chen said that,"Today work is each schoolmate catches several snails." In my heartthought where can have the snail? I as soon as get the home, rushes to the vegetable garden in, liftsthe subtilis, I as soon as looked, happen to has several snails, thenexchanges the newspaper "the small cradle", again puts in a each onegreatly fat big snail "the cradle" in, brings them to go home. Gets in the home I to think that, "What does the snail eat?" Ithereupon have performed an experiment, I put them on a big disc, onall is putting various leaf, then I am waiting patiently, crossed awhile snail gradually to crawl to the cabbage leaf. Oh! The originalsnail likes eating the cabbage leaf! How many centimeters do I also want to measure its elongation? I put aruler on the table, I put the snail on a ruler head, puts the whitevegetable leaf on another, the snail continuously crawls to the whitevegetable leaf, I look at the ruler, is surprised, the snail length4.5 centimeters, this is shortest, long has 5 centimeters. I had alsoknown snail's length, thinks "the snail you or to be long quickly" I one all the white vegetable leaf which buys back from thefood market eat daily to them, sometimes also gives a water, slowlythe snail has grown up some, I also discovered the snail shell is adextrorotation. I am praying in the heart: "The snail, you must growup in a big hurry! Future you also will be able to give birth crowd ofyoung snails "
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