
Those things in the past500字

作者: 更新时间:

  I know him in a vocational school. Both of us are nursing students. He is one year younger than me and two years younger.

  I only knew him to join the school department, and then we were assigned to be partners. Later, he chased me. I felt that he was honest with him. He was very naive, but he would be afraid of losing me. He would listen to me whatever I said. Once he asked me to help him write self-introduction. I didn't listen to all kinds of materials in two classes. Every time I wrote a sentence, I asked our monitor to look at it for me and copy it again, just to give it to him after school. But he was very kind to me at that time. I didn't eat breakfast one day. I said I was hungry. After class, he went to the campus to buy breakfast for me and brought it to the door of our class. Every time after school he waits for me at the gate of our school. I really feel very dependent on him. We go out to play together on weekends because he can't find many places here. I took him to the park where he kissed me for the first time. Once we had a girl outside who told him that he refused in front of me. At that time, I felt really happy and that he was the right person I met. But on my birthday, another girl told her that we weren't together at that time.

  Our number was related to him, so I broke up with him. We couldn't ask him to come back. I went to KT that night and drank a lot of wine for a man for the first time. He came to me for a while and made friends with me. I felt that I would promise him as long as he came back.

  I was practicing him in school at that time, but it was not long. How can I contact him after a long time?

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