
Why there are traffic jams600字

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  As we grow up, we can see more and more cars come into our sights. And still there is a big prsoblem following it comes us-- the traffic jam. We are suffering it everyday in the rush hours, when people get to work or school in the morning or go home from them, especially in the cities which have no subways.

  Then what cause these traffic jams? There are three reasons as follow.

  First, the population of the car owners has grown up sharply. Our life gets better, and people have the ability to buy cars. It's not only a tool which instead our feet, but also becomes a sign that the owners are living a superior life. And the inport market has a drastic competition so the prices, in fact, have been lower down. So as more and more people can afford the cars, the number of the cars increased a lot.

  Second, the roads. The roads in a city, especially in a small one, are not for cars in the past time.Like Beijing Hutong and other old streets, they are for people walking or even some riders or rickshaws. The streets or roads are not wide enough for the cars to run on, let alone two or three or even more raws. And if the government wants to rebuild the roads, it also has a problem, that both sides of the roads or streets have the living-buildings to stand on. How can a bottle be filled with more than it can contain?

  The third is about the citizens' qualities and the traffic signs. In some small cities, even county, especially some little cities with tough roads, the traffic signs are pretty important. But some have not that much, so when the owners want to go past the cross-roads,which have no signs, they all want to be the first. And the cars behind them want to follow, them the traffic jam comes.

  So if we want to defeat this traffic problem, there are still a lot of things that we should do.

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