·缩写全部月份名称,除了may jane和july。
·其他格式。 mla引用格式
mla.《研究论文作者手册》(mla handbook for writers of research papers),第4版书
okuda, michael, and denise okuda. star trek chronology: the history of the future. new york: pocket books, 1993.期刊文章
wilcox, rhonda v. "shifting roles and synthetic women in star trek: the next generation." studies in popular culture 13.2 (1991): 53-65.报纸与杂志文章
di rado, alicia. "trekking through college: classes explore modern society using the world of star trek." los angeles times 15 mar.1995: a3.百科全书文章
sturgeon, theodore. "science fiction." the encyclopedia americana. ed. patricia bayer, et al. danbury, ct: grolier incorporated, 1995.书中的文章与章节
james, nancy e. "two sides of paradise: the eden myth according to kirk and spock." spectrum of the fantastic. ed. donald palumbo. westport, ct: greenwood, 1988. 219-223.ekic 文件
fuss-reineck, marilyn. sibling communication in star trek: the next generation: conflicts between brothers. miami, fl: speech communication association; springfield, va: eric document reproduction service, 1993. (see mla's official site for more details)
lynch, tim. "dsn trials and tribble-ations review." psi phi: bradley's science fiction club. 1996. bradley university. 8 oct. 1997.
·缩写全部月份名称,除了may jane和july。
·其他格式。 mla引用格式
mla.《研究论文作者手册》(mla handbook for writers of research papers),第4版书
okuda, michael, and denise okuda. star trek chronology: the history of the future. new york: pocket books, 1993.期刊文章
wilcox, rhonda v. "shifting roles and synthetic women in star trek: the next generation." studies in popular culture 13.2 (1991): 53-65.报纸与杂志文章
di rado, alicia. "trekking through college: classes explore modern society using the world of star trek." los angeles times 15 mar.1995: a3.百科全书文章
sturgeon, theodore. "science fiction." the encyclopedia americana. ed. patricia bayer, et al. danbury, ct: grolier incorporated, 1995.书中的文章与章节
james, nancy e. "two sides of paradise: the eden myth according to kirk and spock." spectrum of the fantastic. ed. donald palumbo. westport, ct: greenwood, 1988. 219-223.ekic 文件
fuss-reineck, marilyn. sibling communication in star trek: the next generation: conflicts between brothers. miami, fl: speech communication association; springfield, va: eric document reproduction service, 1993. (see mla's official site for more details)
lynch, tim. "dsn trials and tribble-ations review." psi phi: bradley's science fiction club. 1996. bradley university. 8 oct. 1997.
