亳州花戏楼风景区导游词 篇1
亳州花戏楼风景区导游词 篇2
花戏楼始建于清顺治十三年,是国家重点文物保护单位。原名山陕会馆,也称大关帝庙。旧时当地人也称其为歌台。是当时山西和陕西的商人在亳州经营药材生意的联络集散地,花戏楼之所以有今天这个名字,是因为在它的院落中有座色彩绚丽美伦美奂的花戏楼。花戏楼整个建筑面积达3163平方米,但是其中的精华之处还是体现在那令人神往的"三绝"之上。大家想知道是哪三绝么?不用着急,让我们边走边看。我们前方就要到达景区了,现在请大家收拾好自己的随身行李、带好贵重物品准备下车。 各位游客朋友们,我们现在所处的位置就是花戏楼景区的大门口了。现在大家眼前看到的这两根铁旗杆呢就是花戏楼的一绝.这两根旗杆每根重15吨,高16米多,旗杆分5节,每节又分铸八卦蟠龙等图案,每根旗杆上还悬挂着24只玲珑的铁铃铛,每当有风吹过,就会发出悦耳的叮咚声。
花戏楼尤其值得大家关注的是它的第三绝-木雕,花戏楼德木雕分为普通木雕和大木透雕。花戏楼德大木透雕共有三国戏文18出,人物数百,神态各异,龙争虎斗,呼之欲出。大家请看那幅位于舞台上方中间的就是.它描绘了赵子龙救阿斗的英雄故事,也赞扬了曹操爱将惜才的优秀品德。司马迁笔下所描述的一代奸雄在亳州还是很受尊敬的。花戏楼集砖雕艺术之大成,对研究我国古代建筑雕刻美术和戏剧都有十分重要的价值,正所谓仁者见仁智者见智。不知道花戏楼有没有给您留下深刻的印象呢? 游客朋友们,我们的旅程马上就要结束了,到了小王要给大家说再见的时候了。“相见时难别亦难”,回想这几天的朝夕相处小王还真的有点舍不得大家。,谢谢大家对我工作的支持和配合,在游览过程中小王如果有什么做的不尽人意的地方,还请大家批评指正,你们的意见是我今后努力的方向。最后祝大家一路平安,身体健康。谢谢大家!
亳州花戏楼风景区导游词 篇3
亳州花戏楼风景区导游词 篇4
Hello everyone! Welcome to Bozhou for sightseeing. Now we come to theflower theater. First of all, let me give you a brief introduction. Huaxilou wasbuilt in the 13th year of Shunzhi reign of Qing Dynasty. It was formerly knownas Shanshan guild hall, also known as daguandi temple. In the old days, thelocal people called it Getai. It was the contact and distribution center forShanxi and Shaanxi pharmacists to manage medicinal materials in Bozhou at thattime. The reason why it has today's name is that there is a gorgeous flowertheater in the courtyard. The entire building area of the flower theatre is 3163square meters, but the essence of it is still reflected in the fascinating threewonders. Do you want to know which is the best? Don't worry, let's walk and see.The two iron flagpoles that you can see in front of the main entrance are uniqueto huaxilou. Each flagpole weighs 15 tons and is more than 16 meters high. Eachflagpole is divided into five sections. Each section is made of eight trigramsand flat dragons. There are 24 exquisite iron wind bells hanging on eachflagpole. Whenever the wind blows, it will make a pleasant Ding sound. Let'stake a look at the second unique feature of Huaxi theater, which is thethree-story archway style building in front of you. It is inlaid withworld-famous three-dimensional water mill brick carvings. On the water millbrick carvings less than 10 cm thick, there are 115 characters, 33 birds, 67animals, and many buildings, platforms, halls and pavilions. 16 characterstories are created here, It is permeated with the essence of the integration ofConfucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in traditional Chinese culture. It isBuddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. It's almost omnipotent, showing the wholeworld in an inch. What deserves our attention is the wood carving, the thirdmasterpiece of Huaxi theater. There are 18 plays of the Three Kingdoms, withhundreds of characters and different expressions. Please see the one above thestage and in the middle. It tells us the story of Cao Cao cherishing histalents, In this way, the generation of traitors described by Sima Qian is stillhighly respected in his hometown. Huaxilou, a collection of brick carving art,is of great value to the study of ancient architectural carving art and drama inChina. I wonder if huaxilou has left a deep impression on you?
亳州花戏楼风景区导游词 篇5
Welcome to Bozhou, the hometown of Huatuo and the hometown of medicinalmaterials. First of all, I would like to extend my warm welcome to you. I'm WangPing, the tour guide of Anhui travel agency. Just call me Xiao Wang. Sitting onthe right side of Xiao Wang is the driver of our Bozhou trip, Mr. Zhang. Mr.Zhang is warm, honest and has many years of driving experience, so we can takethe bus safely. As the saying goes, "five hundred times of looking back in thepast life, we just pass by in this life." so we can ride in this car togethertoday, it must be a good fate that we saved up after wearing our clothes in ourlast life. Ha ha, I'm joking to make you laugh. Let's get back to business. Thefirst scenic spot we will visit today is huaxilou. Before I arrive at the scenicspot, I'd like to introduce huaxilou to you. Huaxilou, built in the 13th year ofShunzhi reign of Qing Dynasty, is a key cultural relic protection unit of thestate. Originally known as Shanshan guild hall, also known as daguandi temple.In the old days, the local people also called it the song stage. At that time,it was the contact and distribution center of Shanxi and Shaanxi merchants inBozhou for the business of medicinal materials. The reason why huaxilou has itsname today is that there is a gorgeous huaxilou in its courtyard. The entirebuilding area of the flower theatre is 3163 square meters, but the essence of itis still reflected in the fascinating three wonders. Do you want to know whichis the best? Don't worry, let's walk and see. We are about to arrive at thescenic spot in front of us. Now please pack your carry on luggage and valuablesand get ready to get off. Dear tourists, we are now at the gate of huaxilouscenic area. The two iron flagpoles that you can see in front of your eyes areunique in Huaxi theater. Each flagpole weighs 15 tons and is more than 16 metershigh. The flagpole is divided into five sections, each section is also dividedinto eight trigrams, flat dragons and other patterns, and each flagpole is alsohung with 24 exquisite iron bells. Whenever the wind blows, it will make apleasant Ding sound. After that, let's take a look at the second one. Now infront of you, this three story archway building with imitation wood structure,Shanmen, is the second unique flower theater. It is inlaid with world-famousthree-dimensional water mill brick carvings. On the less than 10 cm thick watermill brick, there are 115 characters, 33 birds, 67 animals, and many buildings,platforms, halls and pavilions. It has created 16 character stories, which arepermeated with the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism intraditional Chinese culture
亳州花戏楼风景区导游词 篇6
Huaxilou is located in the north of Bozhou City, Anhui Province. Bozhou fora major historical sites, but also a national level cultural relics protectionunits. Huaxilou, formerly known as daguandi temple, also known as Shanshan guildhall, is commonly known as huaxilou because its main content is brick carving,wood carving and color painting of local opera. Huaxilou was built in 1656,which was financed by Shanxi medicinal materials merchants. It was rebuilt in1740 and rebuilt in 1784. The gate is a three-story archway with wood likestructure. The brick wall is inlaid with brick carvings, including figures,chariots, horses, cities, mountains, flowers and animals. On the left and rightis the second floor of the bell and drum, with stone lions and iron flagpoles infront of the gate. The flagpole is several feet high and weighs 15 tons. Thereare hanging bells, Panlong and feifeng on it. The opera house is decorated withlarge wood carvings and color paintings, with 18 plays of the Three Kingdoms,and patterns of lotus, lion, fish and caisson; the carvings are exquisite andthe color paintings are magnificent. There are four gates. The screen is carvedwith two dragons playing with pearls.
There are six viewing rooms on the left and right in front of the stage.The front of the stage is facing the main hall. The front hall is richlypainted, and the back hall is tall and grand. There is a courtyard on the leftand right of the main hall. The bamboo path is elegant and pleasant. There arebooks and carvings of Zhao mengshun and Qingliang in Yuan Dynasty. This buildingis of great value to the study of architectural art, sculpture, painting andopera art in the early and middle Qing Dynasty. It has been listed as a nationalkey cultural relic protection unit and an important tourist attraction in AnhuiProvince. It is now the site of the Museum of Mizhou city.