



介绍湘潭的英语导游词2024 篇1

  Dongshan Academy of Xiangxiang City was founded in 1895 (the 21st year ofGuangxu), which has been for 100 years. Here, with a long history, Mao Zedong,Tan Zheng, Chen Geng and other talents come forth in large numbers, with aglorious revolutionary tradition.

  The main hall of the academy has three rooms, five rooms in the East andfive rooms in the West. The whole building is grand in scale, magnificent inbuildings and elegant in environment. "There is a hall for speakers, a place forrecreation, a room for food, and a net for nothing. It's really a good place tostudy. The gate of the academy is a white marble with the four characters"Dongshan academy" written by Huang Ziyuan, a calligrapher of the currentDynasty. On the wall of the left corridor of the main hall is a record ofDongshan academy written by Chen Wucui, a county magistrate.

  After the completion of the Academy, classes began on November 15 of thatyear. Dongshan jingshe was renamed Dongshan Academy. In July 1905, Li gentlemenWang Gang, Yang Bingqian and Peng mengri initiated the transformation ofDongshan academy into a public Dongshan primary school in Xiangxiang county. InJanuary 1905, they began to recruit students for three years (two years after1921). From then on to 1940, there were 45 classes with more than 20__graduates. In the beginning, it was changed from the eighth class to the digitalclass.

  Dongshan primary school has a school motto and a school song. The schoolmotto says: "honesty, diligence and Thrift", and the black gold plaque is hungin the main hall. On both sides of the column, there is a couplet: "when thepublic is finished, they will govern privately, and when the teacher is strict,they will respect the way.". The curriculum setting, teaching management andteaching methods of primary schools are carried out in accordance with theprinciples and requirements of modern schools. At that time, the coursesincluded self-cultivation, Chinese, history, geography, mathematics, physics,chemistry, English, sports, pictures, music, etc. The teaching method emphasizesthe combination of leading and subject, teaching and learning, theory andpractice, so as to make it lively.

  Dongshan high school has an excellent teaching team and a group of teacherswith progressive ideas and unique insight, such as Li Yuanfu, Gong Yipeng, XiaoYueying and Shen Chunlong. Gong Yipeng is strict in school management anddiligent in teaching. During his tenure as the head of the school, his studentsachieved excellent results, and he was awarded by the Secretary of HunanProvince. Li Yuanfu was enthusiastic about the cause of education, activelyadvocated new learning, and had a good eye for pearl. When Mao Zedong came tothe school to apply for the examination, after reading his examinationcomposition entitled "Yan Zhi", Li immediately praised him highly, thought thathe was "a material to save the country", and accepted him out of the ordinary.Later, he supported him to apply for the secondary school in Changsha. XiaoYueying was poor all her life, indifferent to fame and wealth, and lovededucation. He and his sons Xiao San and Xiao Zisheng gave Mao Zedong greatsupport and help. In order to carry forward his interest in education, hisdescendants donated his little legacy to Dongshan school and set up the "XiaoYueying scholarship". Shen Chunnong participated in the democratic revolution inhis early years, joined the party in 1925, joined the peasant movement duringthe great revolution, and finally died generously. In addition, there are manywell-known and unknown progressive teachers. For example, in 1930, martyr YangZailin was killed by Kuomintang reactionaries on the Bank of Lianshui River. Thenext day, a teacher of Dongshan primary school wrote a poem and angrilydenounced that the storm of Longcheng was cold in Lianshui, and the blood of thestrong men spilled on the beach. He became a hero in eighteen, and looked at thegreen mountains on the Zhenxiang stage. "

介绍湘潭的英语导游词2024 篇2

  Xiangtan is located in the eastern part of central Hunan Province. It spans111 ° 58 ′ - 113 ° 05 ′ E and 27 ° 21 ′ - 28 ° 05 ′ n. Xiangtan City has amaximum horizontal distance of 108 km from east to west and a maximum verticaldistance of 81 km from south to north; it connects Ningxiang County, WangchengCounty and Changsha County in the north, Hengdong County, Hengshan County andZhuzhou County in the south, Zhuzhou City and Zhuzhou County in the East andShuangfeng County and Lianyuan County in the West. The total area of the city is5015 square kilometers.

  The existing forest vegetation in Xiangtan city is mainly artificialforest, with a variety of tree species. There are 16 kinds of timber forest,such as Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus massoniana, camphor, thick wood, Phoebe,Baile, etc.; 15 kinds of economic forest, such as Camellia oleifera, tung oiltree, palm, Sapium sebiferum, mulberry, tea, peach, plum, plum, etc.; and theintroduced trees are slash pine, Pinus elliottii, Pinus taeda, Metasequoiaglyptostroboides, Taxodium ascendens, Populus deltoides, black wattle, etc.There are abundant crop resources, and thousands of grain, oil, fiber and othereconomic crops can be cultivated. Xiangtan County's "Cun San Lian", suburban Cunpepper, short footed cabbage, and Xiang Peng Long wax gourd are well-known.There are more than 40 kinds of main economic fish, and Shaziling pig and Hutianstone sheep are excellent local breeds.

  The land resources of Xiangtan City have the advantages of more cultivatedland, water surface and hilly land. In 20__, there were 122000 hectares ofcultivated land, accounting for 24.3% of the total land area, with 447 squaremeters of cultivated land per capita. The land quality is good, the utilizationrate is high, the paddy soil, red soil and vegetable garden soil are widelydistributed, which is conducive to the development of rice based farming andlarge-scale agriculture.

  Xiangtan has four distinct seasons and abundant rainfall. The annualrainfall is generally about 1500 mm. In 20__, the city's total water resourcesaveraged 3.775 billion cubic meters. Among them, 3.145 billion cubic meters ofsurface water and 630 million cubic meters of groundwater. Xiangjiang, Lianshuiand Juanshui all flow through Xiangtan.

  By the end of 20__, Xiangtan city had discovered 32.6% of the totaldiscovered minerals in the province, accounting for 25.6% of the totaldiscovered minerals in the country, of which the proved reserves accounted for27.7% of the total proved reserves in the province; a total of 165 kinds ofmineral deposits were found, of which 57 were listed in the table above,including 11 large-scale minerals, 24 small-scale deposits and 25 ore spots.There are only 11 kinds of proven mineral reserves, including manganese,phosphorus, gypsum, sepiolite, ceramic soil, cement limestone, sandstone forglass, flux limestone, metallurgical dolomite, refractory clay and clay forcement batching.

介绍湘潭的英语导游词2024 篇3

  The name of Xiangtan comes from its geographical features. On the one hand,it is said that this place is located in the Xiangjiang River, and "Tan" isnamed "Xiangtan". On the other hand, it is more widely accepted, that is, it isnamed Xiangzhou Tan, or zhaotan, in the Xiangjiang River under Zhaoshanmountain. This tan is actually a deeper section of the Xiangjiang River, but itis quite famous because of its legendary connection with King Zhao of Zhou. As amain geographical feature, it has been named Xiangtan County since the TangDynasty.

  In Xiangtan City, Xiangnan County, the first county government, was set upin Han Dynasty, and the county town (now Shitan Town, Xiangtan County, GuchengVillage) was built. Since the Tang Dynasty, Xiangtan County was transferred toLuokou (now Yishuhe town of Xiangtan County), which has been established formore than 1200 years. The ancient residents in Xiangtan are known at least 5000years ago.

  Xiangtan city is a typical low Mountain hilly landform, which belongs tothe basin range mountain system of pseudo mountain, Hengshan and Juanshui basin.The landform outline is higher in the north, West and south, surrounded by lowand medium mountains with Shaofeng, Baozhong, Changshan and Xiaoxia mountains asthe main body; In the middle and East, the terrain is low and flat, withXiangjiang River, Lianhe River and Juan River as the main water systemdistribution. The whole city takes "four mountains, one river and two rivers" asthe skeleton to form a hilly basin terrain opening to the northeast. The urbanarea is located in the valley plain of the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River atthe opening of the basin. The highest point is located in the Western Baozhongmountain, 793 meters above sea level. The lowest point is jinmazhou at the footof Zhaoshan mountain, 30.7 meters above sea level. It can be roughly dividedinto three geomorphic types, i.e. tectonic erosion low hill landform, tectonicerosion denudation low hill landform and erosion accumulation valley plainlandform.

介绍湘潭的英语导游词2024 篇4

  Hello everyone! Welcome to Dongjiang Lake scenic spot in Chenzhou,Hunan!

  (singing) "the clear Dongjiang River flows southward day and night. Overthe mountains, over the fields... "

  This song must be very familiar to everyone. It is composed by Wang Yougui,a famous Chenzhou composer, and sung by Zhang Ye, a famous Hunan singer. Thissong has beautiful melody, fresh content and sweet singing. It's been a longtime since I heard it!

  Dongjiang Lake is located in Zixing City in the east of Chenzhou City,Hunan Province, about 40 kilometers away from Chenzhou City. It is a scenic spotwith mountains, water, islands, caves, rafting and water entertainment. In 1991,Dongjiang Lake was identified as the key scenic spot and tourist resort in HunanProvince. In 1996, it was rated as the best tourist resort in Hunan Province. In1998, it was listed as the national key scenic spot of "Qingshan Xiushui Tour"by the National Tourism Administration. Confucius, a great thinker in ancientChina, once said: "benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water."Dongjiang Lake is a place with mountains and water, which complement each other.In addition, a large number of water amusement projects developed andconstructed in recent years can fully meet the needs of different tourists. Ibelieve that today's friends will be able to "come and go with pleasure"!

  The whole Dongjiang Lake scenic spot covers an area of 200 squarekilometers and consists of eight scenic spots, including Xiaodongjiang,Longjing, Douri Island, Yongcui gorge, Huangcao, dongjingzhai, Bailong andPingshi water sports area.

  Dongjiang River belongs to the upper reaches of Leishui river. DongjiangRiver is formed by the construction of Dongjiang Hydropower Station. Due to thecascade development of Leishui, a small hydropower station has been built here.From here up to the Dongjiang dam, it is the 12 km long Xiaodongjiang river. Ifyou come to see Xiaodongjiang in the early morning or dusk between April andNovember, you can see that the river is covered with clouds, like a white jadebelt lingering gently between the green mountains and green waters, which makesyou feel like you are in a fairyland. This is the most famous landscape ofXiaodongjiang - "misty little Dongjiang". When the sun rises in the east or themoon rises in the middle of the sky, the light of ten thousand Zhang pours down,the small Dongjiang River is sparkling, and it looks like a fair lady who hasbeen lifted her veil. She looks forward to life and has all kinds of manners.Such a beautiful scenery has attracted countless photographers, some of whichhave won awards in national competitions.

  Speaking of this, some friends may ask: why does the Xiaodongjiang riverform such a beautiful scenery? In fact, the cause of the "misty little DongjiangRiver" is similar to the famous "Jilin rime" in China, which is caused by thetemperature difference of the river water. The water of Xiaodongjiang riverflows out from the bottom of the lake more than 100 meters deep in the upstreamDongjiang dam. The water temperature is maintained at 8-10 ℃ all the year round,while the water temperature in the downstream is about 20 ℃. As a result, thewater of the Xiaodongjiang lake is hot in the morning and hot in the evening,forming a layer of water mist on the surface of the lake. In addition, thevegetation on both sides of the lake is luxuriant and the air is humid, soclouds often form on the water surface.

  Please pay attention to the rocks. There is a waterfall falling from thesky. This is Hougu mountain waterfall. Hougushan waterfall is 39 meters high andkeeps running all year round. In summer and autumn, the water is turbulent, thewaterfall falls on the rocks, turns into thousands of jade beads and falls intothe lake. In addition, the wall of the nearby mine is covered with waterfallcurtains, which is like silver rolling, which is very pleasing to the eye. Inwinter and spring, when the water flow decreases, the waterfall falls slowlyfrom the top of the mountain, which is particularly enchanting. No wondersomeone wrote a poem praising: "the ancient monkey mountain cliff scenery isquiet, and the blue water hangs on the shore forever. Suspected dragon poolspray snow, like the sky hang fly flow

  Well, now we have reached the viewing platform of Dongjiang dam. Pleasesee, standing in front of you is Dongjiang dam, the first double curvature andthin shell arch dam designed and built in China. The Dongjiang dam is 157 metershigh, 35 meters thick at the bottom, 7 meters thick at the top and 438 meterslong at the center of the dam crest. With novel structure, beautiful appearanceand magnificent momentum, the dam ranks the second among similar dams in theworld and the first in Asia. Dongjiang dam is a key project during the SeventhFive Year Plan period, with a total investment of 1.08 billion yuan. It took 11years to break the ground in 1978, close the sluice in 1986, generateelectricity by the first unit in 1987 and put all four units into operation in1990. Dongjiang Hydropower Station has a total installed capacity of 500thousand kilowatts and an annual power generation capacity of 1 billion 320million kilowatts. It is the most ideal peak load compensation power plant inCentral China Power Grid and the best hydropower station in the country. Itsfirst generating unit is only 250 days old, and its economic benefit isequivalent to the total investment of the power station.

  "Cut off Dongjiang River, high gorge out of Pinghu." Dongjiang dam also hasan amazing landscape. When the gate is opened for flood discharge, the upstreamreservoir water runs out of the two ski spillways under high pressure in aninstant, and then flies into the sky, turns into rain and fog, and bursts outfive colors of rays under the sunlight, just like a jade dragon spitting beads,which is magnificent and magnificent. Anyone standing at the bottom of thevalley and looking up, can't help reciting the two famous lines of Li Bai:"flying down 3000 feet, it's suspected that the Milky way is falling ninedays."

  Now, please go to Dongjiang wharf. Dongjiang wharf is the main watertransportation outlet of Dongjiang Lake. It is also the first-class touristWharf in Hunan Province. Dongjiang is the main drinking water source of ChenzhouCity and Zixing city

  It's Dongjiang lake that is shown to you. Seeing the wide water surface,the green mountains and the blue sky, do you have a feeling of yearning andwandering? The beautiful Dongjiang Lake has intoxicated countless tourists here.After visiting, Professor Li Yining, a famous economist, happily wrote a poem ofseven rhythms: "the reflection in the lake looks at the mountains, and thedrizzle makes the water cold. Small island boat welcome guests, old branches andnew leaves primrose. In front of the dam, I still remember the beautiful LijiangRiver. When the peak turns, I know that the world is wide. Fairyland is not adream. It falls on earth with the wind. "

  Song Zuying, a famous Hunan singer, once used her sweet voice to sing thesong of Dongjiang all over China. After seeing the scenery of Dongjiang Lake, XuPeidong, a famous composer, created "come on, friend!" which is well-known byChenzhou people: "the wind here is gentle, the clouds here are long; themountains here are steep, the water here is shy; the wine here is continuous,the people here are romantic. Come on! Come on! To Chenzhou... "

  Dongjiang Lake is a large man-made lake in central and southern China, witha coastline of 738 kilometers, a total area of 160 square kilometers, a maximumwidth of 4 kilometers, a maximum depth of 130 meters, and a water storagecapacity of 8.12 billion cubic meters. It is commonly known as "Dongting" insouthern Hunan. With the construction of Dongjiang Hydropower Station, the lakeinundated 72000 mu of cultivated land and 137000 mu of mountain forest in 11towns and 67 villages, with a total of 57000 immigrants. Zixing people have madegreat contributions to national construction!

  Wei Dongming, a writer who worked in Zixing, once wrote a poem describingChenzhou's forest sea: "the winding water overlaps mountains; there are endlesstrees, neither cold nor hot; trees are money making trees, and mountains aretreasure pots." In fact, this poem is also a true portrayal of Dongjiang Lake.Dongjiang Lake is surrounded by lush vegetation and green mountains and waters.It is a good place for health care, recuperation and self-cultivation. No wondertens of thousands of tourists come to Dongjiang Lake every year!

  Dongjiang Lake has many functions, such as power generation, flood control,shipping, water supply, breeding, tourism and so on. From the perspective oftourism, the scenery here can be summarized as "Xiong, Qixiu, you and Kuang".Although the lake is man-made, the scenery is heaven. Around the lake, there aremountains, forests, dams, waterfalls, islands, temples, caves, stones and so on,forming a beautiful scene of crisscross mountains and rivers. To roam theeastern rivers and lakes is really "a boat in the lake, a man in the painting.".In addition, Dongjiang Lake is also a place of cultural scenery. As early as inancient times, Emperor Yan visited Dongjiang during his southern tour, andfamous generals such as Ma Yuan, the Fubo General of the Han Dynasty, also leftimmortal legends here. During the agrarian revolution, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, ChenYi and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation also foughtguerrillas here.

  You can see that on the vast lake, there are also some green islands dottedall over the place. There are more than 30 islands in Dongjiang Lake, thelargest of which is Douri island.

  Located in the center of the lake, with an area of 5.7 square kilometers,Douri island is the largest island in Hunan and the largest inland island inJiangnan. "Doulu" is a Taoist term, which means "contentment, wonderfulcontentment". It's the so-called "contented people are always happy". Afterseeing the wonderful scenery on the island, I believe everyone will be happyforever!

  It is said that a long time ago, there was a dragon in Dongjiang River. Itoften made waves, which made the people miserable. Taishanglaojun, who lives inDouli palace in the sky, found out that it was a dragon's crutch he lost whenmonkey king made havoc in the palace. So he summoned the stone lion in front ofthe alchemy furnace, threw it into the earth, and pressed it on the evil dragon.From then on, it became the island of Douli.

  Legend belongs to legend, but Douri island does have aura. You can see thatthere are three lakes in the East, the South and the West converging to form thewidest section of Dongjiang Lake, which is in line with the old saying that thethree rivers are one. Because of this, as early as 1000 years ago, some peoplevisited the cave. In 1786, the 51st year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, somepeople built a temple on it, but it was later destroyed. Before the constructionof the reservoir in the past, it was called "doulilingyan", which was the firstof the "eight sceneries of Zixing" in ancient times. It was also praised by XieYan of the Song Dynasty as "Tianxia cave is similar, but this cave isdifferent." After the Dongjiang reservoir impoundment, doubilingyan has becomean island in the lake, integrating mountains, water, caves, islands and temples.Outside the cave, there is clear water and blue sky, and inside the cave, thereare grotesque rocks. The scenery is really different!

  Now we come to the entrance hall of Douri island. Why is there a big holeon the island? It turns out that like Wanhua rock, another famous landscape inChenzhou City, it is also formed by the long-term erosion of limestone byrunning water. The total length of the cave is 6 kilometers, with a total areaof 34000 square meters. There are caves in the cave, which are connected witheach other. The hall at the entrance of the cave is about 35 meters high and canaccommodate hundreds of people at the same time. There is a very striking placehere, which is this beautiful stalagmite. It is said that this is the Ruyigolden cudgel left by the monkey king at that time, that is, the dinghaishenneedle.

  Walk forward through the hall and come to the second scenic spot - Yingbinhall. Here, a peacock is spreading its beautiful tail feathers to welcome you.Please look back. An old lady carrying her grandson is on her way in a hurry. Itturns out that they are in a hurry to see the carp jumping across the gate!

  Now you are in the garden of flowers, but the flowers here are not ordinaryflowers, but coral flowers in the underwater world. Through the flowers, you canalso see that Taishang Laojun and Zhang Guolao in the eight immortals aredrinking and enjoying the flowers.

  This is the narrowest place in the doubilingyan. It's only 30-40 Li wide.You can only wriggle past it. So people give it an interesting name: "Mr.sideways, Ms. wriggles.".

  This is taishanglaojun's bedroom. Please see if these two sides are likecurtains made of pearls. This kind of hanging stone curtain is called "stonecurtain" in geology. According to the evaluation of American cave experts, theyhave seen many stone curtains in the world, but this is the most beautiful andspectacular one. It's not a mortal to be able to use such a curtain. Look, thedrunken emperor is sleeping in it!

  Now I come to a place with a sad name - Lihen hall. Look, there's a womanover there with a baby in her arms and looking up. What is she looking at? Herhusband went fishing in Dongjiang Lake and drowned. The poor wife is stillwaiting, and finally turned into a watchman's stone. Alas! There are lovers inthe world!

  After the sad parting, I'd like to see something that makes people happy.There is a circus performing here. There are cute giant pandas, smart seals,scary cobras, and lively and lovely pugs It is said that there are 72 kinds ofanimals performing in this circus.

  Now you are going to the largest hall in the cave. This hall is more than40 meters high and 70 meters wide, which is very rare in the world. There is atall stone pillar against the light in front. It is said that there is a 29meter high stone pillar in Huanglong cave in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, whichis known as the highest in the world. Our 36 meter high stone pillar is thehighest in the world!

  The next place to enter is Huixian hall. As the name suggests, this is theplace to meet the immortal. First of all, you can see the immortal. The immortalis 112000 years old. According to scientific calculation, every 100 years ofwater on the top, the stalagmite on the bottom grows by 1 cm. According to thisprinciple, the age of the old man can be calculated.

  Please look on the left. There used to be a village called xiuliu village,which was named after xiuliu, the name of Dongjiang River before it wasimpounded. The village is not big, but it is well-known. In 1930s, Bai Wei, oneof the four most famous modern female writers in China, was born here. On theright is an island called Pearl Island, where Chenzhou Branch of Chinesepainting and calligraphy correspondence university is located. The reason whythe site is selected here may also be to absorb more Dongjiang's aura, so as tocreate better calligraphy and painting works!

  Now the water area we are marching in is called Yongcui gorge. With a totallength of 20 kilometers, Yongcui gorge is the most representative naturallandscape of Dongjiang Lake. The whole gorge is full of water, and the waterruns through the mountains. Along the way, there are many floating waterfallsand strange peaks and rocks. Especially, the lake is like a mirror, and themountains are reflected in the water. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of theQing Dynasty, a Zixing county magistrate wrote an impromptu poem "Chukou roadzhongkouzhan", which vividly depicts the scenery here: "the fresh green newYings cut and shout, and the high peak long stream flows into the cloud arc. Idon't know how many Posthouse routes I have, but I mistakenly believe that I amdrawing all over. " In front of you is the famous Jinniu island on DongjiangLake. The whole island has a horn, like a Taurus. Since ancient times, Zixingpeople have been industrious and intelligent, just like this Taurus, and finallyushered in today's rich day!





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