



海伦凯勒英文自我评价 篇1

  Today, I saw a very moving teacher Zhang home a moving film - "residual and invariable Helen Keller." Helen's perseverance in this book let me know that the difficulties encountered in life in front of Helen are insignificant. Secondly, Miss Anne's patience is more worth learning, because only enough patience and perseverance to overcome all the difficulties.

  In life, some parents because the child used to spoil the child, what is arranged for the child. This habit will let the children will not think independently, everything depends on their parents, children grow up, but what will not do; some parents let the children first thing to do their wholeheartedly, and then let him help mom and dad. This way to teach children to let go, let the children have their own things to do 'and' willing to help others' consciousness. After the child will grow up very diligent, happy director. The future is bright, like Helen.

  A person in order to be successful, is not good or bad conditions, but rather there is no spirit of struggle and enough patience. Many people do not succeed when the total difficulties to get ahead when the shield.Remember: only perseverance and patience to succeed.

海伦凯勒英文自我评价 篇2

  A blind man has lost one-third of his chances of success; a deaf person loses one-third of his chances; a mute will lose one-third of his chances of success. If, a blind and deaf and dumb people, he left many successful chances? The answer is cruel. But, it is such a set of deaf blind blind man in one, created this ordinary people think can not happen miracle. She is Helen Keller.

  "Helen Keller autobiography" describes in detail the Helen a step by step from the dark world to the bright difficult course, this is a course of what ah? Full of countless bitterness, difficulties and setbacks, but also how much courage and perseverance to face, how much patience to adhere to ah! And she did, and won the attention of the world. When the tragic fate of her staged, she was brutally pushed into the endless darkness. This, for any one person, can not be said to be a fatal blow. I am afraid that most people in this catastrophe, will choose to give up, give up hope of life, give up the dream, give up their own, blindly let their depression go on. And Helen, with their tenacious perseverance and tenacity of faith, and Sally text teacher's teaching and support, miraculously experienced many ordinary people can not imagine setbacks, ups and downs, always with optimism, strong attitude to face life, face On life, and ultimately achieved success. She, with their own practical actions to prove to the world: a miracle is there. Yes, the miracle is there! Sullivan teacher's arrival, so that Allen saw the hope and saw a miracle. Since then, Sally text teacher step by step guide her to the bright, to a miracle. It can be said that Sally text teacher selfless and broad love, the achievements of Helen, Helen created a miracle of life.

  Read "Helen Keller autobiography", I was deeply impressed by the spirit of Helen. She not only created a miracle of the blind, but also created the ordinary people can not and the miracle. She will be bright to each of the same unyielding to the fate of the cruel people, her success stories, making those living in the dark world of hope to see the light, but also inspired the "blessing in the blessings of the" Let us understand the meaning and value of life, so that we are more treat life, cherish life.Helen's influence on the world is extensive and far-reaching, as the famous American writer Mark Twain said that the 19th century out of two outstanding figures, one is Napoleon, one is Helen Keller!

海伦凯勒英文自我评价 篇3

  We as a sound person, can not feel the pain of the blind, can not feel the pain of deaf people, but can not feel the dumb pain. However, the busy and deaf and dumb people, that person can not feel the pain to describe the language, can not communicate with others, can not see other people's behavior, can not listen to what others say, this extremely painful life, Only Helen Keller received, but he is very strong, not be intimidated by difficulties, with their very strong will to tenaciously survive, become a famous writer.

  That day our class watched the film "Helen Keller", the film is about Helen Keller hours of learning experience> story. Helen Keller only 19 months of light, he was a child got a disease, after a good illness, Helen bid farewell to the light and sound, this time is also blind Anne Sullivan (semi-blind) Miss went into Helen's life , When the Helen's tutor, since then, Helen's life has undergone tremendous changes. Helen's understanding and ability to understand very high, but Sullivan teacher is not easy to teach, Helen does not like Sally text teacher, the teacher can only slowly close to her, and then slowly called Helen various knowledge. Once again, the teacher taught her the word 'water', and the two went to the well room. The teacher's hand was drawing water, and the other hand was spelling the word 'water' in Helen's injury. Suddenly, Helen seemed to understand something, she suddenly understood the language of the mystery of the.On this matter, awakened her soul, from the spirit to give him light, hope, happiness, and freedom, from her desire for knowledge arises spontaneously, and strive to eventually become a famous writer.

  Helen is difficult to communicate with people, but Helen's soul is unyielding, not afraid of others laugh at, work hard, and finally must be successful. Talent.

  But some people have AIDS, he was not intimidated by the disease, but to summon the courage of life, to a strong life, for their own ideals and to the people of the world, but also a lot of people living with HIV / AIDS,Struggle, they will be successful.

  Helen did not give up life. God never gave up on anyone, unless he gave up on himself and ended up without success. We do not think of a positive face of difficulties, do not yield, and strive to contribute to their own, to contribute to society, such a person is the same life, there is a sense of living, why do not we learn 'Helen Spirit' What?

海伦凯勒英文自我评价 篇4

  My name is , * years * born, from the . First of all, I am honored to be able to enter the university students village official interview assessment, I hope I have the opportunity to contribute to the country's socialist new rural construction of their own strength. The following is my personal identification:

  I. In ideological and political affairs, as a member of the Communist Party, I have always adhered to the four basic principles and worked hard to study the guiding ideology of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the scientific outlook on development, The party's call, take the initiative to participate in party activities, firmly support the party's program and approach, love the motherland and the people, loyalty to the party. I am active in thinking, and strive to maintain the advanced nature of party members, to become a good example of people around.

  2, in learning, I strive to learn professional knowledge, strengthen their professional quality. For three consecutive years have been outstanding student scholarships, through the College English Test Band 4, the provincial computer exam two. When there are difficulties in learning, I and the teachers and students to help each other, solve the problem together.

  3, in practice: my sense of responsibility, subject to organizational arrangements, practical work hard, stress practical results; work seriously, positive attitude, work hard, do not care about personal gains and losses; work diligent, hard work, hard working; , Not afraid of tired; in school to actively cooperate with the school work, and actively participate in the activities of the yard.

  Fourth, in the conduct of life: In life, I advocate a simple and simple life, not extravagance is not wasted, do not eat leftovers, to develop good habits; Second, I have a strong concept of time is not late , An appointment time will always arrive ahead of time; I am warm and others, helpful, honest and trustworthy, good communication, and the relationship between students is extremely harmonious.

  The above points are my self-identification, but I am deeply aware of my professional theoretical knowledge is also insufficient to find problems, think and analyze the problem and to solve the problem of comprehensive yet to be strengthened in the future in the work I will take some time to correct Shortcomings and make up deficiencies. In the future, I will, under the leadership of party committees and governments at all levels, assist the village "two committees" team to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the party members, to firmly establish and implement the scientific concept of development, To keep down to earth, do solid work style, according to the law to fulfill their duties, do a good job in all the work for the country to contribute to building a new socialist countryside of their own strength.

海伦凯勒英文自我评价 篇5

  From the beginning of 20xx, blind date class program as mushroomed, Jiangsu TV's "You Are the One" is one of the best of these programs. It is the most intimate program in the ratings, the most popular, but also caused the greatest repercussions of the program. Since the "You Are the One" launch, the controversy from all walks of life continue to have a strong touted praise, but also strongly criticized the accusations. But we can not deny that "You Are the One" entertainment such blind date program, does give our audience a lot of laughter, but also led to some of our thinking.

  In order to make the program well-known, the program invited to be "China's excellent TV host," the title of Meng Fei as moderator, and hired Lu Jia and Huang Han as a guest teacher. Le Jia is the founder of the Chinese character color research center, and another guest teacher Huang Han is a doctor of social psychology, Jiangsu Province, vice president of social psychology. With two heavyweight critics and guests to participate in the beautiful shape, fashionable dressed and bold and bold speech of several Aspect, "You Are the One" ratings greatly increased, once more than Hunan TV's "Happy Camp" boarded the Mainland ratings champion Of the throne.

  As a file intimate program, we understand that "You Are the One" does broadcast very successful. But this success is probably only in terms of program ratings in terms of it. I think "You Are the One" as a stall show, it is neither one week Li show the kind of satire and humor, but also not very good knowledge of this program and content. Once a program is launched, it should highlight its uniqueness. Perhaps the purpose of the program at the beginning of the contract is relatively simple, just for unmarried men and women to provide a blind date platform, but with its ratings increased, the initial purpose has gradually become qualitative change. "Star Dream" Perhaps many people have done, the network often have some people with a bit of behavior popular network, which had a star addiction. For this purpose, with the help of the program is also more and more guests of speculation. Many guests want to go beyond the secular vision of speech to win more opportunities for their own appearance, thereby enhancing the visibility. Such as being friends dubbed the "gold worship" of Mano is one of them. She had shouted in the program, "would rather sit in the BMW car cry, do not want to sit on the bike laughing," Ray's quotations. Although this phenomenon makes the program ratings increased, but lost the original intention of the program, but also reduces the program's own taste.

  As a stall program, we regard it as leisure time to relax the entertainment of the "spice" is also OK, if you really find it as the other half of the important support is really unrealistic. The phenomenon of domestic blind date flooding SARFT has taken steps to issue a number of prohibitions, but there are still many programs on the wind. One can imagine, which is hidden behind the ratings of the economic benefits can not be underestimated as a huge impetus.

  As a leader in the program of blind date, "You Are the One" is the trend of the future, let the show, hype, vulgar as a popular, or focus on improving program taste, to create excellent variety show, we can not expect. But as the audience, we hope that this program should improve the degree of standardization, not only sharp bit out of the guests remarks and fashion avant-garde appearance to attract the audience's eye, its unique content is indispensable program. But in general, "blind date or to return to human nature, feelings, should not promote too many negative things." "We look forward to" You Are the One "transformation.





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